atmo是什么意思 atmo的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-18 22:46:00是梦终醒


atmo是什么意思 atmo的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:Atmo通常代表大气或气氛。这个词可以用来描述气氛或环境的感觉或特征。

2. 用途:Atmo通常被用于音乐或电影制作领域,意味着特定的音乐或声音效果在创建某种特定的情感或氛围时所使用的环境音效。在其他领域,Atmo也可以用于描述一种特定的气氛或环境。

3. 发音:Atmo的发音为/tm/。

4. 词源:Atmo是大气的缩写,源于希腊语中的“”(atmos),意为“蒸汽”。

5. 相关词汇:与Atmo相关的词汇包括Atmosphere(气氛)、Atmospheric(大气的)、Atmometer(气压计)等。


1. The atmo of the club was electric as the DJ started playing his set. (当DJ开始播放音乐时,俱乐部的气氛变得非常热烈。)

2. The movie had a strong atmo of suspense and mystery. (这部电影有着浓厚的悬疑气氛。)

3. The sound designer used various atmo sounds to create the feeling of being in a forest. (声音设计师使用了多种环境音效,以营造出在森林中的感觉。)

4. The atmo in the office was tense as the employees awaited the results of the performance review. (在绩效评估结果公布前,办公室里的气氛非常紧张。)

5. The atmo at the beach was calm and peaceful, with the sound of waves gently lapping against the s. (海滩上的氛围非常平静和宁静,海浪轻轻拍打着海岸。)



- The Earth's atmosphere has several distinct layers. (地球的大气层有几个不同的层次。)

- The atmospheric pressure at high altitudes is much lower than at sea level. (高海拔处的大气压比海平面低得多。)

- Air pollution is harming the atmosphere and causing climate change. (空气污染正在大气层,导致气候变化。)
