那喀索斯用英语怎么说 那喀索斯英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-20 09:08:02曲短情长


1. Santana's not doing too bad, but the Sox are off to a hell of a good start, so...

那喀索斯用英语怎么说 那喀索斯英语翻译

2. So what's going on in the Cascades ?

3. i know that fort. - On the Brazos.

4. Sn's armies march on Minas Tith, this you know.

5. Sn moves to stke the city of Minas Tith.

6. - Oh, it's actually pnounced "Solis."

7. We take the horses and train them, and then my parents use them up in the Cascade Mountains.

译文:我们采取马 并训练他们, 我父母用他们 在喀斯喀特山脉。

8. The staff was seen in a place called Solace.
