brushed是什么意思 brushed的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-20 12:18:03妓术总奸


brushed是什么意思 brushed的中文翻译、读音、例句


常用场景:在日常生活中,我们经常会用到brushed这个词来描述某些表面被轻轻擦过或者梳理过的情况,例如:brushed velvet(刷过的天鹅绒)、brushed metal(刷过的金属)、brushed cotton(刷过的棉织品)等。

词组搭配:brushed这个词通常与一些名词或者副词搭配使用,例如:brushed steel(刷过的钢铁)、brushed finish(刷过的光泽)、lightly brushed(轻轻刷过的)等。

相关短语:有一些与brushed相关的常用短语,例如:brushed aside(被忽视或被拒绝)、brushed up on(复习或更新知识)、brushed off(被轻易解决或被忽视)等。


1. 翻译:刷过的;刷砂的

2. 读音:[brt]

3. 例句:

- The metal suce has been brushed to remove any rough edges. (这个金属表面已经被刷砂以去除任何锋利的边缘。)

- She brushed the crumbs off her dress. (她刷去了裙子上的面包屑。)

- The artist carefully brushed the paint onto the canvas. (艺术家仔细地在画布上刷着颜料。)

- The dog brushed past me as it ran out the door. (那只狗在跑出门时从我身边擦过。)




例句:His hand accidentally brushed against hers. (他的手无意之中碰了一下她的手。)


例句:The leaves brushed her cheek. (叶子轻拂她的面颊。)


例句:You maybe a deluge that won't subside I'm no particle to be brushed aside (∮ 你也许是汹涌的洪水 不是能冲走的沙粒)


例句:Okay, if you're not going to eat, I want your teeth brushed in two minutes. (翻译:如果你不想吃早餐 那么我希望你在两分钟内刷好牙)


brushed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在Scratch Brushed Finish([网络] 刷光饰面)等常见短语中出现较多。

Scratch Brushed Finish[网络] 刷光饰面


1. You maybe a deluge that won't subside I'm no particle to be brushed aside (翻译:∮ 你也许是汹涌的洪水 不是能冲走的沙粒)

2. Okay, if you're not going to eat, I want your teeth brushed in two minutes. (翻译:如果你不想吃早餐 那么我希望你在两分钟内刷好牙)

3. When I've brushed this fly off, I'll give you a dusting for good measure. (翻译:当我把这只苍蝇赶走的时候 我会给你一点颜色 以增加点份量)

4. While I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face. (翻译:我刷牙洗脸时,你就大叫了 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}While I brushed my teeth and rinsed my face. you screamed out loud.)

5. In your pajamas, teeth brushed. (翻译:In your pajamas, teeth brushed. 在你的睡衣,刷牙。)

6. She brushed the powder out of her hair. (翻译:她把粉末从头发中梳掉。)

7. I think you're overly dramatizing; he merely brushed against you. (翻译:我认为你过分夸张了,他只不过碰了你一下。)

8. She stood up and brushed the crumbs from her sweater. (翻译:她站起身掸掉了毛衣上的面包屑。)

9. I tried to persuade him to talk to Neuville but... he just brushed me off. (翻译:我想说服他和纽维尔谈谈 但是... 他就是不肯)

10. So I brushed it aside, and I continued to argue. (翻译:所以我当时没接这个话茬, 继续争论之前的话题。)

11. Something brushed past Bob's face and he let out a yell. (翻译:什么东西擦过了鲍勃的脸,他发出了一声大叫。)

12. I brushed my teeth, I brushed my teeth, I brushed my... (翻译:我刷过牙了 我刷过牙了 我刷过... 嗯 I brushed my teeth, I brushed my teeth, I brushed my...)

13. Plus, we brushed off a cop in the parking lot, and two police cars on the road. (翻译:另外,我们还在停车场甩掉一个 以及路上的两辆)

14. Then we brushed each other's hair and gabbed about American Idol. (翻译:然后我们互相给对方梳头 像美国偶像一样说话)

15. He brushed the oddments from his jacket. (翻译:他刷去夹克上的食物碎屑。)
