剪枝用英语怎么说 剪枝的英语翻译

生活学习2024-02-20 16:30:03伪坚强

剪枝英语是" pre-pruning",其次还可以说成"pruning",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到48个与剪枝相关短语释义和例句。

Alpha-Beta pruning pruning algothm ( 剪枝算法 )

Cyllorhynchites sulus ( 剪枝栎实象 )

剪枝用英语怎么说 剪枝的英语翻译

1. Are you pruning that or trying to hack it to death?

2. The Caraa korshinskii Kom. 's height and breadth were close beeen the o treatments by the end of expements.


3. The bght lop that cut a flower undertakes in underwater, avoid to generate bubble, prnt a flower bibulous .


4. if any bush needs tmming, He takes care of it.

5. Prune established plants annually as new shoots appear.

6. The scientists placed plant cuttings in water that contained a water-soluble polymer called PEDOT-S.

译文:科学家们将植物剪枝放入水中,水里含有一种被称作PEDOT - S水溶高聚物。

7. tmmed the flowerbeds, pruned and watered the ses, and repainted the garden bench.

8. To relax, Xizor would sit in his conform-lounger, or tm the branches of his 600-year old miniate firethorn tree.
