fcv是什么意思 fcv的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-26 07:12:04情未了

1. 词义:

FCV是"Feline Calicivirus"的缩写,表示猫病毒性气管炎病毒。这是一种常见的猫传染病,会引起猫咳嗽、流涕、发热和口腔溃疡等症状。

fcv是什么意思 fcv的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:


3. 词组搭配:


4. 短语:


5. 发音拼写:

FCV的发音为/fkl sars/,其拼写为F-C-V。


1. My cat has been coughing and sneezing a lot lately. I suspect he may have contracted FCV.(我家猫最近频繁咳嗽和打喷嚏,我怀疑他可能感染了猫病毒性气管炎。)

2. FCV is a highly contagious disease that can spread easily among cats in a household or in a shelter.(猫病毒性气管炎是一种非常具有传染性的疾病,可以在家庭或收容所中的猫之间轻易传播。)

3. Vaccinating your cats against FCV is the best way to prevent the disease from spreading.(让您的猫接种疫苗是预防猫病毒性气管炎扩散的最佳方式。)

4. The symptoms of FCV can range from mild to severe, and can vary from one cat to another.(猫病毒性气管炎的症状可以从轻微到严重,而且因猫而异。)

5. If you suspect your cat has FCV, take him to the vet immediately for diagnosis and treatment.(如果您怀疑您的猫患有猫病毒性气管炎,请立即带他去兽医那里进行诊断和治疗。)


读音:/f si vi/





例句:These questions are tried to answer in this thesis by means of investigation on FCV market targets and developing strategy. (本文试图通过对燃料电池汽车商业化目标及发展策略的研究来回答这一问题。)


例句:Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) is the vehicle that we are looking for to use clean fuel (hydrogen energy) and realize zero emission. (燃料电池汽车正是利用清洁的氢能源、并可实现零排放的汽车。)


例句:Finally the application of FCV power batteries fault diagnosis indicate SAEFRLS s advantage of abrupt faults detection and isolation. (能够高效、快速、准确地检测出突变故障是在线故障诊断的难点。)


例句:The Board, which regulates production and sale of FCV tobacco, has set the crop size for 2009-10 season at 270 million kg. (翻译:负责管理弗吉尼亚的种植与销售的印度委员会设定2009-10季节的种植规模为2.7亿公斤。)


1. Finally the application of FCV power batteries fault diagnosis indicate SAEFRLS s advantage of abrupt faults detection and isolation. (翻译:能够高效、快速、准确地检测出突变故障是在线故障诊断的难点。)

2. The Board, which regulates production and sale of FCV tobacco, has set the crop size for 2009-10 season at 270 million kg. (翻译:负责管理弗吉尼亚的种植与销售的印度委员会设定2009-10季节的种植规模为2.7亿公斤。)

3. Arguably, a more efficient FCV pathway would be based on-board fossil fuel reforming or liquid hydrogen storage. (翻译:可争辩,一更有效率FCV小路将基于舱中的矿物燃料改革或者液体氢贮存。)

4. These provide a basis for the optimum design of FCV powertrain; (翻译:这些结论为燃料电池车动力系统的优化设计提供了依据;)

5. Hydrogen has many kinds of utilization form, of which the most existing one is used as fuel for fuel cell vehicle (FCV). (翻译:氢气的利用方式有多种,其中最激动人心的是将其作为燃料电池汽车的燃料。)

6. Now, many kinds of new energy auto types are rushing into market everyday , which include EV, HEV, FCV , etc. (翻译:如今,市场上亦涌现了各种新能源汽车,包括电动车、混合动力车、燃料电池动力车等。)
