clock up是什么意思 clock up的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-26 16:06:13限迷恋

clock up是什么意思 clock up的中文翻译、读音、例句

clock up 是一个英语短语,意思是记录或累计时间、工作量或成就等。以下是对此单词的三个方面的说明:

1. 用法

clock up 是一个动词短语,常常用于描述一个人或一个团队在一段时间内的工作成就。它可以用于各种场合,如体育比赛、工作日志等。

2. 同义词

clock up 的同义词包括:accumulate,am,collect,gather,register,total,tally等。

3. 使用场景

clock up 通常用于以下场景:

- 运动员在比赛中记录成绩。

- 记录员记录工作或项目中的进度。

- 企业或组织在一段时间内记录销售或收益。

- 个人记录自己的学习或锻炼时间。


1. She clocked up over 50 miles during her weekend marathon training. (她在周末的马拉松训练中跑了50多英里。)

2. The sales team has clocked up an impressive 20% increase in profits this quarter. (销售团队在本季度实现了惊人的20%利润增长。)

3. The employee clocked up ten hours of overtime last week. (上周,该员工加班了十个小时。)

4. The soccer player has clocked up 100 goals in his career. (这位足球运动员在职业生涯中打进了100个进球。)

5. I'm trying to clock up at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. (我试图每天至少锻炼30分钟。)

clock up的意思是累计、达到。它的中文发音为[klk p]。


1. He has clocked up more than 100 hours of overtime this year.(他今年已经加班超过100个小时了。)

2. The team hopes to clock up another victory in the upcoming match.(这个团队希望在即将到来的比赛中再次取得胜利。)

clock up在英语中代表"记录、达到"的意思,在日常中也代表"时间加速"的意思,发音音标为[clockup],clock up是一个英语动词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到19个与clock up相关的句子。

Clock up的词典翻译


例句:Getting up at four o'clock every morning is sheer purgatory. (每天早上四点起床简直是活受罪。)


例句:Fuck a Papa Doc Fuck a clock Fuck a trailer (操papa doc,操clock,操拖车,操每个人)


例句:He shattered the clock yesterday. (He shattered the clock yesterday.)


clock up一般作为动词使用,如在on the clock([网络] 工作;正在上班;看看时间)、the clock([网络] 时钟;阿霞的挂钟;钟表)、up and up(越来越好; 诚实)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the clock[网络] 工作;正在上班;看看时间
the clock[网络] 时钟;阿霞的挂钟;钟表
up and up越来越好; 诚实
digital clock[计] 数字钟\n[化] 数字钟
eclosion clock[昆] 蜕壳时计
Doomsday clock末日之钟(刊登在每期原子科学家简报上的钟,用以显示核战争导致的世界末日来临前所剩的时间)
driving clock驱动钟;转仪钟
environmental clock环境钟
equation clock均时钟差


1. He shattered the clock yesterday. (翻译:He shattered the clock yesterday.)

2. It's not a clock in a mountain -- it's a mountain clock. (翻译:这不是一个大山里的时钟,而是一个以大山为主体的时钟 )

3. On weekdays, I get up at 6 o'clock. (翻译:在工作日,我6点起床。)

4. And today he will pick me up at 5 o'clock at the "Comedie Francaise". (翻译:散步时亲过两次 看完了电影,他五点钟来接我)

5. # One, two, three o"clock, four o"clock rock # Five, six, seven o"clock, eight o"clock rock... # (翻译:Rock Around the Clock)

6. In 3, 2, 1... start the clock. (翻译:In 3, 2, 1... 开始数秒 start the clock.)

7. That clock on the ad is fast. (翻译:How did we miss it? 广告上显示的时间快了 That clock on the AD is fast.)

8. Wake up! It's eight o'clock. (翻译:醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。)

9. No one gets to clock out today. (翻译:今天没有人可以例外 No one gets to clock out today.)

10. Isodyne has worked its people around the clock, (翻译:等力线公司让员工不停研究 Isodyne has worked its people around the clock,)

11. We just stopped the doomsday clock! (翻译:我们刚刚终止了世界末日! We just stopped the doomsday clock!)

12. Clock, I have many, and it is with Winnie Vigny, alarm clock, wall clock, clock, watch, I had it all. (翻译:时钟,我有许多,而且都是带有小熊维尼的,闹钟、挂钟、座钟、手表,我全都有。)

13. Tell me, has Scofield ever run up your clock? (翻译:告诉我 Scofield能配合你的时间吗?)

14. It's not a clock in a mountain -- it's a mountain clock. (翻译:这不是一个大山里的时钟,而是一个以大山为主体的时钟)

15. Looks like this princess is back on the clock. (翻译:看来这位公主得回去打工了 Looks like this princess is back on the clock.)
