selon是什么意思 selon的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-26 21:54:12来日方长。

As an English teacher, there are at least 3 aspects to consider when it comes to the word or acronym 'selon':

1. Definition: 'Selon' is a French word that means 'according to' or 'depending on'. It is commonly used in formal writing to introduce a source or reference.

selon是什么意思 selon的中文翻译、读音、例句

Example: Selon les statistiques gouvernementales, le taux de chmage est en baisse. (According to government statistics, the unemployment rate is decreasing.)

2. Usage: 'Selon' can be used to introduce a variety of sources, such as statistics, studies, reports, experts, depending on the context and the level of formality.

Example: Selon les experts, il est important de maintenir une alimentation quilibre. (According to experts, it is important to maintain a balanced diet.)

Example: Selon moi, nous devrions investir dans les nergies renouvelables. (In my opinion, we should invest in renewable energy.)

3. Alternatives: 'Selon' is not the only way to introduce a source or reference in French or English. Depending on the context and the purpose of the sentence, other words or phrases can be used, such as d'aprs, suivant, conformment, etc.

Example: D'aprs cette tude, le taux de criminalit a augment de 10%. (According to this study, the crime rate has increased by 10%.)

Here are 5 additional examples of 'selon' used in context:

1. Selon les prvisions mtorologiques, il va pleuvoir toute la journe. (According to the weather forecasts, it's going to rain all day.)

2. Selon certains historiens, Jules Csar aurait t in par des membres du Snat. (According to some historians, Julius Caesar was inated by members of the Senate.)

3. Selon les rgles du jeu, chaque joueur a droit deux cartes. (According to the rules of the game, each player is entitled to two cards.)

4. Selon les normes de scurit, il est interdit de fumer bord de l'avion. (According to the safety regulations, smoking is prohibited on board the plane.)

5. Selon les tmoignages des voisins, le suspect tait vu souvent rder dans le quartier. (According to the testimonies of the neighbors, the suspect was often seen lurking in the neighborhood.)





1. Selon les experts, la pollution de l'air est la prinle cause de la baisse de la qualit de vie en ville.(根据专家的说法,空气污染是城市生活质量下降的主要原因。)

2. Selon les prvisions mtorologiques, il va pleuvoir toute la journe demain.(根据气象预报,明天整天都会下雨。)

3. Le prix variera selon la taille et la couleur du produit.(价格将根据产品的大小和颜色而变化。)




例句:Since then, the Duke family named the dress by its abbreviation as "SELON". (后来,圣公爵以家族全名的缩写把这款时装命名为“SELON”。)






