chained是什么意思 chained的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-27 08:00:12无人及你


chained是什么意思 chained的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:chained to,chained up,chained together




1. The dog was chained up in the backyard all day.


2. She felt chained to her desk, unable to take a break.


3. The prisoners were chained together as they were taken to the courthouse.


4. The bicycle was chained to the lamppost.


5. The actor was chained to the role of the villain in every movie he starred in.





1. The dog was chained to a tree in the yard. (这只狗被铁链锁在院子里的树上)

2. The prisoner was chained to the wall of his cell. (囚犯被铁链锁在他的牢房墙上)

3. She felt chained to her desk all day. (她整天感觉被桌子束缚住了)




例句:Yes and left chained to a tree. ({\1cH00FF00}是的,就是离开它时。还拴在一棵树上。)


例句:Somebody new I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you (我面目一新了 我已不再是那个被你的爱 绑的死死的小可怜)


例句:Halfnaked man chained to a fence being tossed off by an old blind council worker? (一个半裸的男人被绑在围墙上被 一个老委员会折磨?)


例句:A maester of the Citadel, chained and sworn, and sworn brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful. (翻译:他是学城的学士,又戴上颈链,立下誓言 加入守夜人,恪尽职守)


chained一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在file chained(档案炼接)、doubly chained technique(双炼接技术)、doubly chained tree(双炼接树)等常见短语中出现较多。

file chained档案炼接
doubly chained technique双炼接技术
doubly chained tree双炼接树
double chained tree[计]双链树
forward chained reasoning[计] 前向链推理
multiple chained construction多炼接构造
unidirectional chained list单向链接表


1. Halfnaked man chained to a fence being tossed off by an old blind council worker? (翻译:一个半裸的男人被绑在围墙上被 一个老委员会折磨?)

2. A maester of the Citadel, chained and sworn, and sworn brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful. (翻译:他是学城的学士,又戴上颈链,立下誓言 加入守夜人,恪尽职守)

3. I chained my bike to the park railings. (翻译:我用链子把自行车锁在公园的围栏上了。)

4. The Study and Application of Steaming-dump Chained with Computer Monition System (翻译:汽轮机直拖水泵及与微机监控系统联锁新技术的研究应用)

5. If you saw the way I chained it up, you wouldn't worry. (翻译:如果你看到我链锁箱子的方式 你就不会担心的)

6. I heard that pigs can force demons out so we chained her here (翻译:我听别人说,猪可以赶走鬼 所以,我就把她关在这儿)

7. A warning posted by the bailiffs on the boat reads: "Important: Do not turn on the motors, considering that the propellers are chained. " (翻译:一份被当地警方贴在船上的警告标明“注意:不要认为螺旋桨被拴就可以随便发动引擎。”)

8. I chained Evelyn's hands because she was trying to kill our child. (翻译:我把她的双起来 因为她想杀死我们的孩子)

9. The dogs were chained to a fence. (翻译:狗被拴在栅栏上。)

10. And in the corner, chained to the wall, you see a bloodied and beaten Santa Claus. (翻译:角落里 你们发现了圣诞老人 他被锁在墙上 已经鲜血淋漓了)

11. "Proteus brought the upright beast into the garden and chained him to a tree and the children did make sport of it." (翻译:普罗帝斯把直立怪兽 带进了花园 绑在树上 孩子们开始取笑他)

12. Born in slavery, chained from the cradle, (翻译:出生于奴隶之家,从摇篮里就被锁起来 我一生中只看见一个这样的春天)

13. What if they drug me and I wake up chained to a goat? (翻译:如果他们给我下药了 然后我醒来一看 我和一只山羊拴在一起?)

14. Why does Lady Rosalind call herself Julia... and allow us to be beaten and chained? (翻译:安德鲁... 你说我们放弃工作如何...)

15. The usual sentence is five years in a coffin chained with silver. (翻译:按平常的判决 要在用银链捆住的棺材里 呆上xx年)
