shaper是什么意思 shaper的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-28 19:48:16葬心



shaper是什么意思 shaper的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. shaper bit——形状刀片

2. shaper cutter——整形刀具

3. shaper head——整形器头

4. gear shaper——齿轮整形机


1. shape up——改进、变好

2. take shape——开始成形、开始呈现出形象

3. in shape——处于良好状态

4. out of shape——不在状态



shaper的意思是 "塑造者,形成者"。

shaper的中文翻译为 "塑造者,形成者"。

shaper的读音为 [epr]。


1. He was the shaper of his own destiny.


2. Technology has become a shaper of our daily lives.





例句:the film drawing mechanism can adjust the relative position between the towing belt and a shaper. (拉膜机构可以调节牵引皮带与成型器的相对位置;)


例句:refers to the claim the original hypothesis suggests, emphasiziing the decisive role of language as the shaper of our thinking patterns. (指的是这一理论的初始假说,即强调语言在塑造我们的思维方式过程中起到了决定性的作用。)


例句:Campus culture, a subculture of the social main culture, functions as the shaper of people's spirit, soul and personality. (校园文化是社会主体文化的亚文化,它的职能是对人的精神,心灵、性格的塑造。)


例句:And they gave me the fence, but they didn't give me the shaper, so we made a deadbolt out of it. (翻译:他们给了我这个围栏,但是他们没给我成型机,所以我们用它做了个门拴。)


shaper一般作为名词使用,如在field shaper(磁场造型器)、food shaper(食品整形机)、gear shaper([化] 插齿机; 刨齿机)等常见短语中出现较多。

field shaper磁场造型器
food shaper食品整形机
gear shaper[化] 插齿机; 刨齿机
gl shaper玻璃成形机
horizontal shaper卧式牛头刨床
hydraulic shaper液压牛头刨
impulse shaper脉冲形成器
land shaper筑埂机
pillar shaper柱式成形机;柱架[牛头]刨床


1. Campus culture, a subculture of the social main culture, functions as the shaper of people's spirit, soul and personality. (翻译:校园文化是社会主体文化的亚文化,它的职能是对人的精神,心灵、性格的塑造。)

2. And they gave me the fence, but they didn't give me the shaper, so we made a deadbolt out of it. (翻译:他们给了我这个围栏,但是他们没给我成型机,所以我们用它做了个门拴。)

3. And from this point on, it was now fire suppression and not wildfires that would become a prime shaper of our forests. (翻译:从那时开始,森林的主要塑形者 就不再是森林大火, 而是对森林大火的压制。)

4. So language is not so much a creator or shaper of human nature, so much as a window onto human nature. (翻译:所以语言并不只是创造、塑造人性之物 同样是反映人性的窗口)

5. Then, this is a deadbolt. It's a fence from a 1930s shaper, which is a very angry woodworking machine. (翻译:这是门拴。曾经是xx年成型机的围栏, 用木工机器。)

6. Shaper - Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. The drive and courage to overcome obstacles. (翻译:可塑性:富有挑战性,有动力的,有很强的抗压力,有战胜困难的动力和勇气。)

7. So language is not so much a creator or shaper of human nature, so much as a window onto human nature. (翻译:所以语言并不只是创造、塑造人性之物 同样是反映人性的窗口 )

8. And they gave me the fence, but they didn't give me the shaper, so we made a deadbolt out of it. (翻译:他们给了我这个围栏,但是他们没给我成型机, 所以我们用它做了个门拴。)

9. Application: Wood-working machines(Routers), Four-side moulder, Spindle shaper. (翻译:应用: 木工刨花机、四面刨、立轴机主轴。)

10. To derive mathematical model, dynamic characteristic equations are obtained and the pulse amplitude and time of input shaper was calculated. (翻译:通过建立系统的数学模型,求出了动态特性方程,计算出这三种输入整形器脉冲序列的幅值和时间。)

11. A shaper or construction worker may be a good worker but I do not know what his understanding of golf is or what he may be trying to do. (翻译:一个造型师或者施工人员可能很优秀,不知道他们对高尔夫的理解或者他们试图在做什么。)

12. For large modulus, less number of teeth of the gear shaper cutters, profile error will be generated even greater. (翻译:对于大模数,人数较少的插齿刀齿,轮廓度误差会产生更大。)

13. But the arm shaper trend caught us by surprise. (翻译:不过臂塑流行潮流还是让我们吃惊不小。)


