forsaken是什么意思 forsaken的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-29 12:12:17患得患失



forsaken是什么意思 forsaken的中文翻译、读音、例句


- a forsaken house:被遗弃的房子

- a forsaken village:被抛弃的村庄

- forsaken hope:破灭的希望

- forsaken dreams:被遗弃的梦想

短语:forsake sb/sth 表示放弃、抛弃某人/某事物。



1. He felt forsaken and alone.


2. The forsaken puppy was left by the road.


3. The town was completely forsaken after the flood.


4. I have forsaken my old ways and embraced new ones.


5. She felt forsaken by her family when they moved away.


6. The forsaken city was a haunting reminder of the war.


7. He had forsaken his studies to pursue his pion for music.




1. The old house looked forsaken and empty, with broken windows and overgrown s. (这所老房子看起来荒芜和空旷,窗户破碎,草木丛生。)

2. She felt forsaken by her friends when they all forgot her birthday. (当她的朋友们都忘记了她的生日时,她感到被遗弃了。)

3. The soldier was forsaken by his comrades and left alone to face the enemy. (这位士兵被他的战友们遗弃,只能独自面对敌人。)




例句:Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some monument to Evil, is all that remains. (在那被上帝遗弃的荒野之中,被掩埋的地牢之上,竖立着一座孤独的高塔,就像一座的纪念碑,残存的就只有这些。)


例句:So if ye think it be a good idea to return to that forsaken place, Special (所以如果你觉得回到那个被抛弃的地方 是一个好主意的话)


例句:Communities like Kariya that once enjoyed a near familial relationship with Toyota, have been feeling forsaken for years as th is country's social contract has changed. (如刈一度享有与丰田附近的一个社区家庭关系,一直觉得为这个国家的社会契约年放弃了变化。)


forsaken一般作为名词使用,如在god forsaken(adj. 为神所抛弃的\n[网络] 被上帝抛弃的)等常见短语中出现较多。

god forsakenadj. 为神所抛弃的\n[网络] 被上帝抛弃的


1. Communities like Kariya that once enjoyed a near familial relationship with Toyota, have been feeling forsaken for years as th is country's social contract has changed. (翻译:如刈一度享有与丰田附近的一个社区家庭关系,一直觉得为这个国家的社会契约年放弃了变化。)

2. .. on this God forsaken platform called Barnagar? (翻译:.. 在这个被神抛弃的叫Barnagaron的月台?)

3. The word "forsaken" refers to an experience of total abandonment that leaves individuals feeling alone in their time of greatest need. (翻译:“被抛弃的”一词指一种在一个人最被需要的时段让人感觉到孤独、完全被抛弃的体验。)

4. I can promise you that women working together -- linked, informed and educated -- can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet. (翻译:我敢保证如果妇女们一起工作 相互联系,智慧并且受到过教育 能够为这个星球带来和平和繁荣 )

5. You have failed me, Keltus the Forsaken. You are forever cursed. The goddess remembers you no more. (翻译:你的刺杀的任务失败了 诅咒将伴你一生 主已将你遗弃)

6. Australopithecenes were apelike creatures that walked upright, like people, but had still not forsaken the trees. (翻译:南方古猿是似类人猿动物,它们能像人一样直立行走,但仍然没有离开树木。)

7. I crafted our lurid reputation, in order to fend off the most insidious evil, that's been lurking this forsaken country of ours. (翻译:矪床闽硂┢ 碞琌称璶环瞒筂硂 ぃ┋瓣产竜碿︽)

8. He doubted their claim to have forsaken military solutions to the civil war. (翻译:他对他们声称已经放弃以军事手段解决内战的说法有怀疑。)

9. -You have not forsaken my bed for that of another woman, but for another man. (翻译:你不是因为别的女人而抛弃我 You have not forsaken my bed for that of another woman, 竟是为了一个男人 but for another man.)

10. She might have forsaken him if he had not got the start of her. (翻译:要不是他不比她强的话,她可能已经不要他了。)

11. The uncle continued to bear his spite but Milarepa out his great regret for killing so many people had forsaken his spite against his uncle. (翻译:而密勒日巴在杀死如此多人之后,出于悔恨和愧疚,他放弃了对伯父的仇恨。)

12. for they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth. (翻译:他们常说,看不见我们。已经离弃这地。)

13. All the beauty that had forsaken her face, seemed to have found refuge in her heart. (翻译:她如花似玉的昔日已经一去不复返,但是她的心灵却成了美丽的避难所。)

14. The souls of the lost, forsaken and forgotten, and let your cleansing light shine down upon this place and upon this little girl now and forever. (翻译:她和她失落的 被遗弃的被遗忘的灵魂 让你的惩戒之光照亮这片土地吧)

15. And in the back of the room, a woman stood up and she said, "In 35 years of living in this God forsaken place, you're the only person that's come down here and treated us with dignity. (翻译:在房间的后面,一位女士站起来说: “我在这个被上帝遗弃的地方生活了xx年, 你是唯一拿我们当人看的人。)


