abel是什么意思 abel的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-02-29 19:02:17阿霾

1. 定义: 'ABEL'是一个名字,也可以作为缩写词使用,表示不同的意义,如实验室或公司的名称。

abel是什么意思 abel的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音: ['ebl] (音标参考)

3. 来源: 'ABEL'可能是一个源于希伯来语的名字,有“呼喊”或“息子”的含义。此外,它也可以是一家公司或实验室的名称。

4. 用途: 'ABEL'可以用作个人的名字,也可以作为缩写词使用,表示各种不同的定义,如以下所示:

- Advanced Business and Entrepreneurship Leadership(高级商业和企业领导力):一种商业教育课程

- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiments(大气边界层实验):一项大气科学实验

- A Biomimetic Extra-Luminal Stenting Solution(仿生外端支架解决方案):一种医疗解决方案

5. 例句:

- My friend's name is Abel.


- ABEL is a company that specializes in web design.


- The university offers a course on high-level entrepreneurship called ABEL.


- Scientists at ABEL conducted experiments on the earth's atmosphere.


- The ABEL stenting solution was successful in treating a patient's arterial blockage.




1. Abel est connu pour son offrande accepte par Dieu.(法语:阿贝尔因其被上帝所接受的奉献而闻名。)


2. Cain a tu Abel par jalousie.(法语:卡因出于嫉妒杀死了阿贝尔。)


3. Abel war der jngere Bruder von Kain.(德语:阿贝尔是卡因的弟弟。)


4. Les parents d'Abel ont t dvasts par sa mort.(法语:阿贝尔的父母因他的死感到心碎。)


5. Abel era un hombre justo y bueno.(西班牙语:阿贝尔是一个正义和善良的人。)


6. Abel e Cain sono fratelli.(意大利语:阿贝尔和卡因是兄弟。)


7. Abel er kjent for sitt offer som ble akseptert av Gud.(挪威语:阿贝尔因其被上帝所接受的奉献而闻名。)


8. Abel oli Kainin nuorempi veli.(芬兰语:阿贝尔是卡因的弟弟。)


9. Abel by bratem Kaina.(波兰语:阿贝尔是卡因的兄弟。)





1. Abel was a shepherd and offered the best of his flock to God. (亚伯是一位牧羊人,他将自己羊群中最好的献给了上帝。)

2. Cain was jealous of Abel and ended up killing him. (该隐嫉妒亚伯最终杀害了他。)

3. In the Bible, Abel is known for his faith and righteousness. (在圣经中,亚伯以其信仰和正义著称。)




例句:Now, if you weren't here, would Abel let him into the building? (那如果你不在的话 Abel会让他进来吗?)


例句:So Abel killed his wife's lover and ran away, just... (所以是Abel杀了他妻子的情人 然后逃跑了)


例句:- They're taking Abel out of the incubation chamber. (- Abel就要从育婴箱里抱出来了 - 靠,知道了.)


例句:What do I tell Rudolf Abel? (翻译:那我该怎么对鲁道夫阿贝尔说 What do I tell Rudolf Abel?)


abel一般作为名词使用,如在Niels Abel([网络] 阿贝尔)、eugenia microphylla abel(赤楠(闽))、Niels Henrik Abel([网络] 阿贝尔;尼尔斯阿贝尔;尼尔斯亨利克阿贝尔)等常见短语中出现较多。

Niels Abel[网络] 阿贝尔
eugenia microphylla abel赤楠(闽)
Niels Henrik Abel[网络] 阿贝尔;尼尔斯阿贝尔;尼尔斯亨利克阿贝尔


1. - They're taking Abel out of the incubation chamber. (翻译:- Abel就要从育婴箱里抱出来了 - 靠,知道了.)

2. What do I tell Rudolf Abel? (翻译:那我该怎么对鲁道夫阿贝尔说 What do I tell Rudolf Abel?)

3. We agreed on an exchange of Abel for Pryor. (翻译:我们是谈好了 条件是 用阿贝尔换普莱尔 We agreed on an exchange, Abel for Pryor.)

4. The body hidden on the roof of Abel Schneiderman's building. (翻译:藏在Abel Schneiderman 楼顶上的尸体)

5. That, Rudolf Abel, will never do. (翻译:但 鲁道夫阿贝尔绝不这么做 That, Rudolf Abel will never do.)

6. Maybe Abel faked his own kidnapping to get money to escape the country. (翻译:也许Abel假装被绑架 拿到钱后逃去国外)

7. Donna... Abel, Sack. Take your pick. (翻译:看看Donna,Abel,独蛋 还不够吗)

8. Defending Abel, the Soviet spy. I might. (翻译:帮阿贝尔辩护 就是那个苏联间谍 Defending Abel, the Soviet spy.)

9. So if Abel came up here the night he disappeared, why was the bedroom trashed? (翻译:所以 如果Abel失踪当晚在这里 为什么卧室里混乱不堪?)

10. Abel found out his wife was sleeping with her psychic, so he killed him in the bedroom. (翻译:Abel撞见他老婆正和她的灵媒 他在卧室杀了他)

11. Hey, hey, hey. Abel's famous cornbread. (翻译:嗨 嗨 嗨 Abel的拿手菜 玉米面包来了)

12. When I got in, Abel was gone, and our room was wrecked. (翻译:当我进门时 Abel已经不在了 屋子里很乱)

13. Fine, but start with the first murder Cain and Abel. (翻译:好吧,我建议你从该隐和亚伯的第一起命案开始调查)

14. So we find Jimmy... trade him for Abel. (翻译:那我们就抓到Jimmy 拿他交换Abel)

15. This is Officer Abel Turner with the Valley Bureau. (翻译:我是山谷区分局的 Abel Turner)
