会议形式用英语怎么说 会议形式英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-01 19:08:18Oo追梦﹍

会议形式英语翻译是"meeting agenda",还经常被译作pretal conference,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到58个与会议形式相关释义和例句。

会议形式用英语怎么说 会议形式英语翻译

16. execitive council(咨询会议;参政会议;最高行政会议)

16. The conference is beginning.

16. Cap Stencils are a stencil form for Stamp Marking.

16. Thank you. The meeting is closed.

16. i don't mean move it; i mean just erase it fm memory, it's gone.

16. - Uh, meeting adjoned. Ho, boy!

16. The meeting is ctiqued for continuous impvement.

16. - Desi meeting? Pduction meeting?

16. i don't mean move it; i mean just erase it fm memory, it's gone.

16. Where? in the conference om.

16. - The meeting is dissolved.

16. Business meeting Pduction meeting...pduction meeting...

16. So we changed the way we ran o innovation and planning meetings in o important ways.

译文:所以我们改变了 举行创新和规划会议形式, 主要从以下两方面。

16. His Majesty, who participated in this conference which is a mere formality was depressed and silent all thugh the meeting.

译文:陛下让谁参加次会议 这仅仅是一种形式 他们情绪低落,会议在沉默中通过。

16. Meetings. More meetings! And meetings.

16. - i'll couer you the form.
