limitations是什么意思 limitations的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-02 07:30:18笑我多情

limitations是什么意思 limitations的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:limitations (n.)表示限制、限制因素、局限性等。它指的是在特定条件下,阻碍行动或发展、限制能力或自由的因素或条件。

2. 词性:limitations是一个名词,常用复数形式。

3. 常用场景:此词常用于描述人或事物的局限或限制。例如,市场规模的限制、技术限制、法律限制、人类生命的有限性等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的词组包括:overcome limitations(克服限制)、limitations of technology(技术局限)、limitations of space(空间限制)、limitations of resources(资源有限)等。

5. 相关短语:与此词相关的短语有:limitation clause(限制条款)、limitation of liability(责任限制)、limitation period(诉讼时效期限)等。

6. 发音拼写:limitations的发音为/li:mte()nz/,重音在第二个音节上。





1. The biggest limitation of the study was its small sample size. (这项研究的最大局限是样本规模较小。)

2. There are certain limitations to what we can achieve with our current resources. (我们目前的资源有一定限制,我们所能达到的目标也有一定的限制。)

3. The new regulations impose limitations on the use of pesticides in agriculture. (新的规定对农业中杀虫剂的使用有一定限制。)




例句:If Carlos's mother dies, there is no statute of limitations. (如果Carlos的妈妈死了的话, 就没有法定时效了)


例句:Our limitations as musicians were ultimately not gonna be a problem. (对我们来说


例句:And Zamboni himself pointed out that the study had limitations. (而Zamboni自己也指出,研究是有局限性的。)


例句:YQL also has limitations. (翻译:YQL也有局限性。)


limitations一般作为名词使用,如在limitations on(幼鱼捕捞比例限额)、economic limitations(经济局限性)、physical limitations(体力限度)等常见短语中出现较多。

limitations on幼鱼捕捞比例限额
economic limitations经济局限性
physical limitations体力限度
statue of limitations[网络] 诉讼时效;不堪回首
statute of limitations[法] 时效, 诉讼时效, 法规
statutes of limitations[网络] 诉讼时效法;时效法律;州都有诉讼期限
practical pressure limitations实际压力限度
public debt limitations国债限额


1. And Zamboni himself pointed out that the study had limitations. (翻译:而Zamboni自己也指出,研究是有局限性的。)

2. YQL also has limitations. (翻译:YQL也有局限性。)

3. -7 years, Melli will be 13 by then. Isn't there a statute of limitations? (翻译:- xx年,等我那时候出来,麦丽都xx岁了)

4. The advantages and application limitations of trackless equipment are described. (翻译:同时叙述了无轨设备的优点及其应用的局限性。)

5. Jannini accepts that there are limitations to his study. (翻译:Jannini承认他的研究有局限性。)

6. Why would Fuller write about the limitations of the simulation? (翻译:为什么富勒先生订下 模拟的限制? 我是知道的)

7. It is time for us to accept both the extraordinary successes of mammography and the limitations. (翻译:但现在是时候让我们接受 X光造影不仅有非凡的成功之处, 也存在许多限制。)

8. Arkin says it isn't the ethical limitations of robots in battle that inspire his work but the ethical limitations of human beings. (翻译:Arkin指出,激励他从事这项研究的,不是战场上机器人的道德底线,而是人类的道德底线。)

9. And just so you know, the statute of limitations is up on that Newark thing. (翻译:而且告诉你 纽瓦克的那件事 And just so you know, the statute of limitations is up 已经过了诉讼时效了 on that Newark thing.)

10. Right before the statute of limitations expires! (翻译:而且是追诉期要结束的这个时间点 没来感觉吗)

11. Revisiting functional "limitations" (翻译:回顾函数性 “限制” )

12. And now we've created a device that has absolutely no limitations. (翻译:现在我们可以完全 不受限制地制作这一设备。)

13. "but it seems far too complicated a subject, given our limitations. (翻译:...但是看起来太复杂了 我们受到很多局限)

14. Therefore, some of the above exclusions or limitations may not apply to you. (翻译:因此,上述的一些排除或限制可能对您不适用。)

15. With me, it's the... social, job, family limitations. (翻译:对我来说,它是... 社会,工作,家庭的局限性。)


