砂浆标号用英语怎么说 砂浆标号英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-02 09:42:20舍予

砂浆标号英语有两种说法,可以翻译为grade of mortar,其次还可以说成"lime and bck",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到99个与砂浆标号相关短语翻译和用法。

砂浆标号用英语怎么说 砂浆标号英语翻译

1. TDL External Thermal insulation finished by Color Decoration Mortar

2. Rendeng mateal, wall face lling mateal, plasteng mortar and repair mortar.

3. Expemental Study on Electc Pperties of CFRM and CFRC

4. We'd have to have rebuilt it, rewire rything, break the screed.

5. Whai should you do if you want to have chances for marking fends?

6. Unlabelled terminals must not be used as "tie points" for other wires.

7. Application of redispersion emulsoid powder in cement mortar

8. Technical specification for manufacte and application of readymixed mortar

9. The crack repaing by epoxy mortar facing on the spillway of the Xin′anjiang Power Plant was made 40 years ago.


10. Do you want me to double check the target number for you?

11. Alabel can be centered in the cell or positioned to the left or ght.

12. the light green pantong no and art worts , please send them to me asap.

13. Hannibal to Mortar Section.
