immaterial是什么意思 immaterial的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-02 17:46:19如顾初年

1. 词析方面:

immaterial是什么意思 immaterial的中文翻译、读音、例句

'immaterial' 的含义是“不重要的,无关紧要的”,可以指具体的事物或概念。它不是简单地指某个事物或概念不具有实体存在,而是指它对当前情境没有实际价值或作用。

2. 语法用法方面:

'immaterial' 通常作为形容词,修饰名词或代词。它也可以被用作名词,在这种情况下通常是指某种精神或超越物质的东西。

3. 反义词/近义词方面:


4. 用法搭配方面:

'immaterial' 可以与“to”连用表达“对……无关紧要”,也可以与“from”连用表示“脱离了……的范畴,超越了某种情境的界限”。

5. 英汉例句方面:

(1) Your opinion on the matter is immaterial to the final decision.(你对这件事的看法对最终的决定无关紧要。)

(2) He argued that the legality of the action was immaterial to its moral consequences.(他认为行为的合法性与其道德后果无关。)

(3) The company's profits from the previous year were immaterial to their current financial situation.(上xx年度公司的利润对他们现在的财务状况毫无影响。)

(4) The fact that he was a celebrity was immaterial to the judge's verdict.(他是名人这一事实对法官的判决毫无影响。)

(5) Some people argue that money is immaterial when it comes to happiness.(有些人认为在谈到幸福时,钱物质上的东西是无足轻重的。)

immaterial 翻译:不重要的,无关的。



1. The color and appearance of the car are immaterial to me as long as it functions well. (这辆车的颜色和外观对我来说无关紧要,只要它能正常运行就行。)

2. His personal life is largely immaterial to his work as a CEO. (他的个人生活大多与他作为CEO的工作无关。)

3. The judge ruled that the evidence submitted by the defense was immaterial to the case. (法官裁定辩护方提交的证据与案件无关。)

immaterial通常被翻译为"非物质的 、不重要"的意思,还有无形体的的意思,在线发音:[.im'tiril],immaterial常被用作形容词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到40个与immaterial相关的例句。



例句:Immaterial Cultural Heritages is the important mark of the nation spiritual culture, and important attracting tourism resource. (非物质文化遗产是民族精神文化的重要标识,也是一个地区重要的旅游资源。)


例句:The immaterial has become immaterial. (你们这群幽魂只有... ...乖乖听话的份)


例句:That is objected to as immaterial and argumentative. (控方反对这种毫无意义 却又充满争议的问题)


例句:And then after you've seen all of this, and prepared yourself mentally and physically, then you are ready to see something with a long duration, like in immaterial art. (翻译:经历完所有这一切, 你的心理和生理都准备就绪, 你就可以开始体验 一些需要较长时间的东西了, 比如无形艺术。)


immaterial一般作为形容词使用,如在immaterial annuity([经] 无形年金, 寻常年金)、immaterial ets([经] 无形资产)、immaterial averment([法] 无意义的指证)等常见短语中出现较多。

immaterial annuity[经] 无形年金, 寻常年金
immaterial ets[经] 无形资产
immaterial averment[法] 无意义的指证
immaterial capital[经] 无形资本
immaterial details无关紧要的细节
immaterial goods无形财产
immaterial issue[法] 不重要的系争点
immaterial labor非物质劳力, 无形劳工
immaterial labour非物质劳动力


1. That is objected to as immaterial and argumentative. (翻译:控方反对这种毫无意义 却又充满争议的问题)

2. And then after you've seen all of this, and prepared yourself mentally and physically, then you are ready to see something with a long duration, like in immaterial art. (翻译:经历完所有这一切, 你的心理和生理都准备就绪, 你就可以开始体验 一些需要较长时间的东西了, 比如无形艺术。)

3. Empty-handed is never used to describe something immaterial. (翻译:想啊,一个崭新的巨型超市开业 当然得好好宣传一番)

4. Remember I am the foreign minister so whether I can speak French or not seems to be reasonably immaterial . (翻译:请记住我是一个长,所以不管怎么样我都会说法语。)

5. Corporate culture is the most valuable immaterial capital and is one of the inherent factors to influence the corporate development. (翻译:企业文化是企业最重要的无形资产,是影响企业长远发展的深层次原因。)

6. The cost is immaterial. (翻译:费用并不重要。)

7. According to the dualist, the mind is this immaterial substance and we could call it by different names. (翻译:按照二元学说论,心灵是这种非物质的物体,我们能叫他不同的名字。)

8. Judge Turpin: Your meaning is immaterial. Mark me! If I see your face again on this street, your rue the day you were born. (翻译:特平法官:你的话是没有意义的,记住我的脸!如果我再在这条街上看到你,你就会后悔自己被生下来。)

9. This is not only irrelevant, immaterial, it is illegal! (翻译:这不仅仅是无关并且不重要的 这还是的)

10. And in my point, if you talk about immaterial art, music is the highest -- absolutely highest art of all, because it's the most immaterial. (翻译:在我看来,当我们讨论无形艺术时, 音乐是其中最高级的形式, 因为音乐是最无形的。)

11. A man inadequately sophisticated... or merely ignorant, or simply stupid... may believe himself past surprise... then be surprised to discover, for example... that Mr Hearst already knows of my inclinations and finds them immaterial. (翻译:一个不够老练的人 或者无知的人 或愚蠢的人)

12. "While these numbers are still being validated by the state, we feel any adjustments they might suggest will be immaterial," Morgan wrote to the presidents. (翻译:“尽管州仍然还在对这些数字进行求证,们认为,这些数字可能带来的任何调整都会是无关紧要的。”摩根向总统写道。)

13. Even if what you are saying about Abedini is true, it is now immaterial. (翻译:即使你所说的关于阿贝迪尼的 都是真的 现在也都不重要了)

14. More important is that, by means of this technology, artists are able to arrange immaterial world in their mind freely. (翻译:重要的是,通过技术,艺术家得以尽意组织他们心中的非物质世界。)

15. It's immaterial to me, Mr Merrick, but I'm going to take your temperature one way or another. (翻译:这个不关我事,梅里克先生... 不过我一定要量你的体温)
