codex是什么意思 codex的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-02 22:40:19日光倾城

codex是什么意思 codex的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:codex book,codex mcript




1. This codex contains the oldest copy of that mcript.


2. The codex was written in the 11th century.


3. The codex was discovered in a monastery in Spain.


4. The codex was written in Latin.


5. The codex is now on display at the museum.


6. The codex was carefully preserved by the monks.


7. The codex contains valuable information about medieval history.






1. Unusquisque codex est quam magna huius operis pars.Utusquisque codex est quam magna huius operis pars.(拉丁语)每一部手稿都是这个项目的重要组成部分。

2. Das Mkript wurde auf Pergament in einem mittelalterlichen Codex geschrieben.(德语)这篇手稿是在一本中世纪的绢册上写的。

3. 本古德《太阳诗篇》是现存的最古老英文手稿之一,它是在10世纪的编码本上写的。(英语)The Old English poem "The Sun" is one of the oldest surviving English mcripts, written in a codex from the 10th century.

4. Codex Sinaiticus是世界上现存最古老的完整圣经手稿之一,它是在公元4世纪初期的绢册上写的。(英语)Codex Sinaiticus is one of the oldest surviving complete mcripts of the Bible in the world, written on parchment in the early 4th century AD.

5. El Codex Mendoza es un cdice azteca del siglo XVI que contiene informacin sobre la historia y la cultura de los mexicas.(西班牙语)《门多萨手稿》是16世纪的阿兹特克手稿,它包含了有关墨西哥文化和历史的信息。

6. Il Codex Gigas un manoscritto medievale latino che contiene la Bibbia, affiancata da altre opere tra cui una copia della Chronica Boemorum.(意大利语)《吉加斯手稿》是一部中世纪拉丁文手稿,其中包含圣经以及其他作品,包括《波希米亚编年史》的复印件。

7. , .(希腊语)Codex Sinaiticus是最古老的圣经手稿之一,由皮革和纸张写成。

8. Codex Seraphini r en avancerad bok med fantastiska ilrationer och obegriplig text som skapades av den italienska konstnren och designern Luigi Serafini.(瑞典语)《塞拉菲尼手稿》是一本带有奇幻插图和难以理解的文本的高端书籍,由意大利艺术家和设计师Luigi Serafini 创作。

9. Le Codex d'Alep est un mcrit hbreu mdival qui contient la Bible hbraque et d'autres textes religieux.(法语)《阿勒普手稿》是一份中世纪希伯来语手稿,其中包含希伯来圣经和其他文本。


读音:ku d k s


1. 这部《码农编程 codex》可谓是程序员必看之书。

This book, "Codex for Programmers", can be said to be a must-read for programmers.

2. 这份文件是我们公司的标准 codex,你需要遵守其中的规定。

This document is our company's standard codex, and you need to comply with its provisions.

3. 古代的 codex 经常被人们当做宝贵的文化遗产保存下来。

Ancient codices were often preserved as valuable cultural relics.




例句:Ful medames, another Near Eastern food at step five in the codex process, is made from fava beans and can be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner. (富尔梅达梅斯,是在药典过程步骤五的另一种近东食品,是用蚕豆制作的,可以用于早餐、午餐或晚餐。)


例句:According to Kazuaki Miyagishima, Secretary of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, "The process of setting food standards is rigorous and long and in most cases it is also costly. (正如食品法典委员会秘书Kazuaki Miyagishima所讲的那样,“食品标准的制订过程是严峻而漫长的,而且在大多数情况下费用是昂贵的。)


例句:The 9th-century Codex Sangallensis is an abecedarium. (9世纪的《桑加利抄本》是一本入门读物。)


例句:The Codex Vercellensis is the oldest translation of the Gospels into Latin, and it dates from the first half of the fourth century. (翻译:维切里法典可能是世界上最早的 拉丁福音书的译文 它可以追溯到四世纪前期 )


codex一般作为名词使用,如在Dresden Codex([网络] 德累斯顿法典;德累斯顿手抄本;德累斯顿典籍)、Madrid Codex([网络] 马德里抄本;马德里手稿)、montpellier codex(蒙伯里页抄本)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dresden Codex[网络] 德累斯顿法典;德累斯顿手抄本;德累斯顿典籍
Madrid Codex[网络] 马德里抄本;马德里手稿
montpellier codex蒙伯里页抄本
Paris Codex[网络] 巴黎抄本
Sinaiticus codex[网络] 西乃抄本;法典西奈抄本
food chemicals codex食品添加物法规
las huelgas codex拉斯?威尔加斯抄本


1. The 9th-century Codex Sangallensis is an abecedarium. (翻译:9世纪的《桑加利抄本》是一本入门读物。)

2. The Codex Vercellensis is the oldest translation of the Gospels into Latin, and it dates from the first half of the fourth century. (翻译:维切里法典可能是世界上最早的 拉丁福音书的译文 它可以追溯到四世纪前期 )

3. I, myself, I'm actually involved in the team which is developing a CODEX, high resolution, future generation spectrograph for the 42 meter E-ELT telescope. (翻译:事实上, 我自己参加了这个团队 这个团队正在开发一种规则, 高解析度,下一代的光谱分析机 42米长的E-ELT望远镜.)

4. Juan Garces, the Codex Sinaiticus project manager, said putting the book online was a "definitely a historical moment." (翻译:胡安加尔塞斯,法典西奈抄本项目经理说,把网上预订是一个“绝对是一个历史性的时刻。” )

5. So what I'm saying now is it took a long time for this to solidify. And one of the things we think made it solidify was the development of codices,a codex. (翻译:所以这花了很长一段时间,才得以统一,我们觉得,使它统一的是抄本的出现。)

6. The Mosconi codex... if this book is a puzzle, maybe these are the pieces. (翻译:莫斯克尼法典 如果这本书就是个谜题的话 那也许这些就是解谜的碎片)

7. A codex is a Mayan written record. (翻译:玛雅古籍是玛雅人的文字记录。)

8. I, myself, I'm actually involved in the team which is developing a CODEX, high resolution, future generation spectrograph for the 42 meter E-ELT telescope. (翻译:事实上, 我自己参加了这个团队 这个团队正在开发一种规则, 高解析度,下一代的光谱分析机 42米长的E-ELT望远镜. )

9. Go through the old streets to the Belvederi Palace. Open a safe. Take out a file Codex 1181, Proceedings against Galileo Galilei . (翻译:穿过旧街到贝尔维迪宫,打开保险箱,取出档案,手抄本1181号文件,是对伽利略不利的会议记录。)

10. Now Codex C was only discovered in 1906, and it landed on my desk in Baltimore on the 19th of January, 1999. (翻译:典籍《C》的手抄本直到xx年才刚刚被发现, xx年xx月xx日,他被送到巴尔的摩的, 我的办公桌上。)
