chemist是什么意思 chemist的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-03 11:32:20酔念


chemist是什么意思 chemist的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:pharmaceutical chemist(药剂师),ytical chemist(分析化学家),organic chemist(有机化学家),physical chemist(物理化学家)。

短语:chemist's shop(药店),chemist's istant(药店助手),chemist's warehouse(药店仓库)。



1. She has worked as a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry for twenty years.


2. The ytical chemist is responsible for testing and yzing the properties of substances.


3. Organic chemists study the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds.


4. The chemist's shop was crowded with people buying medications.


5. The chemist's istant gave me some advice on how to use the medicine properly.





1. He studied to become a chemist and now works in a pharmaceutical company.(他学习化学,现在在一家制药公司工作。)

2. The chemist mixed various chemicals in the lab to see how they would react.(化学家在实验室里混合了各种化学物质,以观察它们的反应。)

3. The chemist discovered a new compound that could potentially be used in medicine.(化学家发现了一种新的化合物,可能会被用于药物制造。)




例句:And he wasn't a criminal, he was a chemist working on the cure. (而且他不是一个罪犯, 他是一位化学家工作的治愈。)


例句:So as a chemist, I wanted to say, "Hang on. What is going on here,“等等,怎么回事? )


例句:An example is the chemist focus on the multicomponent reactions based on ketenimine intermediates. (多组分反应是当前有机合成方法学研究的前沿和热点领域之一。)


例句:Seven months since... Since he started work at the chemist. (翻译:自从他在药房上班后 自从那时起过了七个月)


chemist一般作为名词使用,如在dispensing chemist((英国)受过配药训练的售药商)、food chemist(食品化学家)、inorganic chemist([医]无机化学家)等常见短语中出现较多。

dispensing chemist(英国)受过配药训练的售药商
food chemist食品化学家
inorganic chemist[医]无机化学家
leather chemist皮革化学工作者
marine chemist海洋化学家
mud chemist泥浆配制员
nuclear chemist[网络] 核化学家
organic chemistun. 有机化学家\n[网络] 有机化学工作者;有机化学工程师
pharmaceutical chemist药物化学家


1. An example is the chemist focus on the multicomponent reactions based on ketenimine intermediates. (翻译:多组分反应是当前有机合成方法学研究的前沿和热点领域之一。)

2. Seven months since... Since he started work at the chemist. (翻译:自从他在药房上班后 自从那时起过了七个月)

3. The chemist Kekule discovered the ring structure of benzene in a dream. (翻译:化学家凯库勒在梦境中就发现了苯的环形结构。)

4. And as a chemist, we're not used to profound questions every day. (翻译, 我们并不是每天都思考这样深奥的问题。)

5. Nobody wants a chemist to come in and poke around in their stuff like that and change things. (翻译:没有一个分子生物学家,会希望一个化学家跑来 这里试试那里试试地改变它们的工作方式。)

6. Reid: We believe a chemist named johann geitman (翻译:我们认为一名叫 Johann Geitman的化学家)

7. Now we must find a chemist but it is impossible to buy anything useful in Kuta. (翻译:我们只能去找药店,但是在库塔难以买到任何有用的东西。)

8. And this is what I, as a chemist, have in mind when I think about them. (翻译:而作为一名化学家的我, 想起它的时候是这样的。)

9. So as a chemist, I wanted to say, "Hang on. What is going on here? (翻译,“等等,怎么回事?)

10. You're a chemist, your wife died of cardiac arrest. (翻译:你是个化学家 你的妻子真死于心搏停止, 难道你认为我是个傻瓜?)

11. My best friend is a molecular chemist named Wendy. (翻译:我最好的朋友是个分子化学家 她叫Wendy)

12. It was created by a French chemist, Angelo Mariani, in 1863. (翻译:它是由法国化学家安吉洛马里亚尼于xx年创造的。)

13. Like, everything I could think of, but not being a chemist. (翻译, 我能想到的所有分子。)

14. After graduating, she worked as a chemist. (翻译:毕业后,她当上了一名药剂师。)

15. We found that a research chemist sprayed a pheromone compound on us. (翻译:我们发现一个研究化学家 对我们喷了一种外激素复合物)
