rollerblade是什么意思 rollerblade的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-03 13:48:20难再遇

rollerblade是什么意思 rollerblade的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'rollerblade' 是一个动词,表示使用滑轮鞋滑行。滑轮鞋是一种在鞋底上装有小轮子的鞋子,穿上后可以在平坦的地面上像滑冰一样滑行。


词组搭配:rollerblade on(滑轮鞋滑行)

短语:roll on blades(穿上滑轮鞋滑行)



1. She enjoys rollerblading in the park on weekends.(她喜欢周末在公园里滑轮鞋。)

2. I bought a new pair of rollerblades yesterday.(我昨天买了一双新的滑轮鞋。)

3. Have you ever tried rollerblading before?(你以前试过滑轮鞋吗?)

4. The park has a special area for rollerblading.(公园有一个专门的滑轮鞋区。)

5. Rollerblading is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time.(滑轮鞋是一种同时锻炼和的好方法。)

6. He fell down while rollerblading and hurt his knee.(他在滑轮鞋过程中摔倒了,弄伤了膝盖。)

7. She wears protective gear while rollerblading to prevent injuries.(她在滑轮鞋过程中穿上防护装备以防受伤。)



1. I love to go rollerblading on the weekends. (我喜欢在周末溜轮滑鞋。)

2. They sell rollerblades at the sporting goods store. (运动用品店出售轮滑鞋。)

3. My sister is really good at rollerblading. (我妹妹非常擅长轮滑。)

4. Rollerblading is a fun way to stay active. (轮滑是保持活力的一种有趣方式。)

5. I have a pair of pink rollerblades. (我有一双粉色的轮滑鞋。)

6. In the summer, many people go rollerblading in the park. (夏天,很多人在公园里溜轮滑鞋。)

7. Rollerblading is a great way to exercise your legs. (轮滑是锻炼双腿的好方式。)

8. I fell down while rollerblading and sed my knee. (我在溜轮滑鞋时摔倒了,擦破了膝盖。)

9. Rollerblading can be dangerous if you don't wear protective gear. (如果不戴防护装备,轮滑可能会很危险。)




1. I love to rollerblade around the park on sunny days.


2. She wore her rollerblades to the roller skating rink.





例句:This encouraged me, but the theory was blown by such masculine nouns as murder, toothache, and Rollerblade. (这一理论一度鼓励了我,却很快被诸如凶杀、疼和滚轴刀刃等阳性此所击破。)


例句:Rollerblade, hit a ball , swim , jump rope , fly a kite , ride a bike. , (溜旱冰,打球,游泳,跳绳,放风筝,骑自行车。)


例句:It is against the law to rollerblade on a state highway. (在州公路上溜直排轮是的。)


例句:She was pretty and she could rollerblade, but being a hacker, that made her powerful. (翻译:她很漂亮而且会滑旱冰,让她很强大。)


1. It is against the law to rollerblade on a state highway. (翻译:在州公路上溜直排轮是的。)

2. She was pretty and she could rollerblade, but being a hacker, that made her powerful. (翻译:她很漂亮而且会滑旱冰,让她很强大。)

3. My wife and I like to rollerblade. Near the end of one of our favorite routes is a long hill. (翻译:妻子和我都喜欢溜直排轮,在我们最喜欢溜的路径中有一段山坡路。)

4. Students can bike, rollerblade, or run on the beautiful winding path next to the river. (翻译:学生们可以骑自行车、滑旱冰,或者在河边蜿蜒的小路上跑步。)

5. There's a Rollerblade rental place out in the Rockaways near Beach and 118th. (翻译:在洛克威靠近海滩和1道那儿 有一家排轮出租店)

6. I can do RollerBlade and play golf decently. I workout too. (翻译:而且我也经常打高尔夫,我也在健身房里健身。)

7. People use “jet ski” to refer to a wide variety of personal watercraft; “rollerblade” to mean any inline skates—and “chupacabra” to mean any weird animal. (翻译:人们用“jet ski”这个词组表示各种各样的个人船只;用“rollerblade”这个词表示任何直排轮滑——也用“卓帕卡布拉”来表示任何神秘的动物。)

8. It's a lot easier to talk to you when I'm not trying to rollerblade or play the jai alai. (翻译:跟你聊天容易多了 因为我没在滑旱冰或者玩回力球)


