higgins是什么意思 higgins的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-03 16:34:21挽离别

higgins是什么意思 higgins的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 发音:强调英式发音,尤其注意“ig”读音。

2. 词性:本身是一个姓氏,也可以作为缩写词代表其他含义。

3. 含义:除了作为姓氏以外,常见的解释是指“帮佣”,特别是在 Pygmalion (冯氏彩豆缤纷的英文教材)中,指的是主人公Henry Higgins的职业。

4. 文化背景:Higgins这个名字是伯纳德肖的戏剧作品 Pygmalion 的故事背景,该作品是 My Fair Lady 的原著。

5. 用法:通常作为名词使用,要注意大小写。

1. I'm trying to locate a Mr. Higgins who is staying here.


2. Henry Higgins is a well-known character in the play Pygmalion.


3. The HIGGINS ay is a widely used biochemical test for the detection of glucose in body fluids.


4. Mr. Higgins is a world-renowned linguist, specializing in phonetics.


5. Higgins Street is located in the heart of downtown.


higgins 可以是一个姓氏,没有对应的中文翻译。



1. Mr. Higgins is a well-known scientist. (希金斯先生是一位著名的科学家。)

2. The Higgins family is hosting a barbecue this weekend. (希金斯家族本周末举办一次烧烤。)




例句:Congressional candidate Hannah Higgins suffered a stunning defeat today, losing by a wide margin to former television weatherman Wade Bradbury. (国会候选人汉娜希金斯 遭受了沉重打击今天 大幅损失)


例句:Ishall always be a flower girl to Professor Higgins... because he always treats me as a flower girl and always will. (在教授眼中我永远是个卖花女 因为他待我像卖花女)


例句:Same old Higgins. He can talk the talk but he can't... (希吉还是老样子 就一张嘴会说,却不会...)


例句:I want you to tell him that Leo Higgins reckons he's a great man, the best council president this town's ever had. (翻译:是这个城里最好的议员 你愿意为我转告吗?)


higgins一般作为名词使用,如在Higgins contactor([化] 希金斯接触器(一种动态离子交换柱))、Higgins furnace((一种熔制耐火材料的电炉)希金斯电炉)、Higgins larva(【昆虫】希金斯幼虫)等常见短语中出现较多。

Higgins contactor[化] 希金斯接触器(一种动态离子交换柱)
Higgins furnace(一种熔制耐火材料的电炉)希金斯电炉
Higgins larva【昆虫】希金斯幼虫
Higgins Project[网络] 希金斯计划
o'higgins[地名] 奥伊金斯 ( 智 )
Higgins L.[地名] 希金斯湖 ( 美 )
Higgins Trust Framework[网络] 协作公民新闻
Margaret Higgins Sanger[网络] 玛格丽特希金斯桑格
margaret higgins sangers[网络] 玛格丽特希金斯桑格\n(margaret higgins sanger 的复数)
Terrence Higgins Trust[网络] 泰伦斯希金斯信托;泰伦丝希金斯信托基金;泰伦席金斯基金


1. Same old Higgins. He can talk the talk but he can't... (翻译:希吉还是老样子 就一张嘴会说,却不会...)

2. I want you to tell him that Leo Higgins reckons he's a great man, the best council president this town's ever had. (翻译:是这个城里最好的议员 你愿意为我转告吗?)

3. I wanna thank president Higgins and of course the love of my life, Claire. (翻译:感谢Higgins校长 当然还有我此生挚爱 Claire)

4. Mrs. Higgins asked. (翻译:希金斯夫人问道。)

5. Lenny Feder: Higgy! Marcus Higgins: Hey, what's up, Lenny? (翻译:马库斯希金斯:嗨,怎么了,伦尼? )

6. 2708 Park Road, apartment eight, rented by one Marlon Higgins. (翻译:公园路2708号 8号公寓 马龙希金斯租下的)

7. I'm citing Minneapolis V. Higgins. (翻译:-VIS个人行动 是公认的。我米引用 五,明尼阿波利斯希金斯。)

8. If the Higgins' oxygen burns up her little lungs... let her seek some stufiness that suits her. (翻译:如果我能让她燃起怒火 让她找适合她的灭火方式)

9. Miss Furlong, Miss O'Callaghan and Miss Higgins, (翻译:弗朗 欧卡拉汉 和希金斯... ...)

10. It would be necessary to address the major concern in all of the polling data, which comes down to Ms. Higgins's likeability factor. (翻译:主要关注在所有投票站数据 来到MS等因素 希金斯)

11. On Meredith's new recording, Eddie Higgins accompanies her on all but one song. (翻译:在梅瑞迪斯的新唱片中,艾迪希金斯为她伴奏了除一首歌以外的所有歌曲。)

12. Braden needs to spend at least one summer with you so he can say he has a dad, you deadbeat, Higgins. (翻译:你至少要陪布雷登一个夏天 这样他才能说他有个爸爸 你赖账 希金斯)

13. - Yes, I am. We are from Scotland Yard, Mr. Higgins and Sir John Walford. (翻译:我们是苏格兰场的希金斯先生和约翰沃福德长官)

14. Former snooker player Alex Higgins has died at the age of 61. (翻译:前克选手阿历克斯希金斯享年xx岁。)

15. You must be reasonable, Mr. Higgins, really you mus (翻译:你得讲理一点,席根斯先生 你不能这样践踏人!)


