birdcage是什么意思 birdcage的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-03 21:06:21心ヽ狠疼

birdcage是什么意思 birdcage的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:鸟笼,指用来囚禁或养鸟的笼子。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:鸟类养殖场、观鸟园、宠物店、家庭等地方。

4. 词组搭配:

- birdcage veil:鸟笼面纱,一种结婚礼服头纱,形状像鸟笼。

- empty birdcage:空鸟笼,一种具有艺术品味的装饰品。

- golden birdcage:金色鸟笼,象征富贵、兴旺。

5. 相关短语:

- set free from the birdcage:从鸟笼中解放出来,比喻自由的到来。

- bring a birdcage:带着鸟笼,指带着一件不适合场合的东西。

6. 发音拼写:/bdked/ (英式英语) /brdked/ (美式英语)。


读音:brd cg


1. The canary chirped merrily in the birdcage.


2. She felt like she was trapped in a birdcage, unable to fly away.





例句:"For past decades, the U. S. has supported the people of Taiwan, but now our democracy is being locked in a birdcage, " he said. (“过去的数xx年,美国一直是的,但现在我们的被关在鸟笼里,”他还说。)


例句:Marriage is just like a birdcage, outside birds are eager to be in, but fail; inside ones are eager to be out, fail either. (婚姻好比鸟笼,外面的鸟想进进不去;里面的鸟儿想出出不来。)


例句:In The Big Birdcage, Hill turned the Women In Prison Film convention on its ear, by having his characters break into the prison and placing the caged women under the watchful eyes of gay prison guards. (在大鸟笼中 希尔转身 女性在电影公约它的耳朵 通过他的角色突破 进了 并把 笼下的妇女 众目睽睽同性恋狱警。)


例句:I borrowed the idea of books in a birdcage from my very creative mother-in-law. (翻译:把书放在鸟笼里的想法来自我创意十足的岳母。)


1. In The Big Birdcage, Hill turned the Women In Prison Film convention on its ear, by having his characters break into the prison and placing the caged women under the watchful eyes of gay prison guards. (翻译:在大鸟笼中 希尔转身 女性在电影公约它的耳朵 通过他的角色突破 进了 并把 笼下的妇女 众目睽睽同性恋狱警。)

2. I borrowed the idea of books in a birdcage from my very creative mother-in-law. (翻译:把书放在鸟笼里的想法来自我创意十足的岳母。)

3. Rocky: Hey, I got my own set of problems to worry about. Besides, this birdcage can't be that hard to burst out of. In fact, watch me. (翻译:罗基:嗨,我自己也有烦恼。再说了,要从这鸡笼出去也没什么难的。就瞧我的吧。)

4. The Moravian star, dove and birdcage charms are signature decorative elements that evoke Taylor's whimsical flair. (翻译:摩拉维亚明星,鸽子和鸟笼魅力签名,唤起泰勒的异想天开的风格的装饰元素。)

5. One morning when he took out his birdcage and tried to hang it on the window upstairs, the cage suddenly fell off his hand. (翻译:一天早晨当他把鸟笼拿到外面准备挂在窗户上面的时候,笼子突然从他的手上滑掉了。)

6. I don't even know if I'm ready to ace my stats final, let alone get married on May 7th in a Very Wang gown with a birdcage veil in front of 400 of our closest family and friends. (翻译:到时候我要穿王薇薇牌礼服 戴着头纱 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}in a Very Wang gown with a birdcage veil 还要面对四百位亲朋好友 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}in front of 400 of our closest family and friends.)

7. Human and Horizontal Bar in a birdcage. A man is performing gymnastics on a Horizontal Bar. (翻译:鸟笼里的人,单杠。人在单杠上做着体操动作。)

8. I bound up its wound and made a small birdcage for it to recover. (翻译:我仔细给它包扎好,然后做了一个小鸟笼让它在里面养伤。)
