fragmented是什么意思 fragmented的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-04 12:08:22阿柚

fragmented是什么意思 fragmented的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:fragmented是形容词,表示“分散的、支离破碎的”。


- The company's marketing strategy is too fragmented; they need to focus on a specific target audience. (公司的市场策略太分散了,他们需要专注于特定的目标受众。)

- The author's writing style is highly fragmented, with short sentences and disjointed paragraphs.(这个作者的写作风格非常分散,句子短小,段落与段落之间不连贯。)

2. 同义词:disjointed、tered、dispersed


- The team's effort was disjointed and lacked coordination.(团队的努力不协调,缺乏统一性。)

- The tered documents made it difficult for us to find what we were looking for.(分散的文件让我们很难找到我们需要的东西。)

- The company's operations were dispersed across multiple countries, it hard to manage.(公司的业务散布在多个国家,难以管理。)

3. 反义词:unified、cohesive


- Despite facing numerous challenges, the team remained unified and worked towards their common goal.(尽管面临着多种挑战,这个团队依然团结一致,为共同目标而努力。)

- A cohesive narrative is essential for a successful novel.(一个连贯的故事情节对于一部成功的小说非常重要。)

4. 用法:fragmented通常用于比喻性的描述,可以用来形容各种现象、事物、状态等。


- The country's political landscape was heavily fragmented, with dozens of parties vying for power.(这个国家的格局非常分散,数十个政党争夺权力。)

- The artist's painting style was intentionally fragmented, with each brushstroke telling its own story.(这个艺术家的绘画风格故意支离破碎,每一笔画都讲述着自己的故事。)

5. 搭配:常见的搭配有fragmented society、fragmented market、fragmented industry等。


- The rise of social media has contributed to a more fragmented society, where people are less connected to each other.(社交媒体的兴起导致了一个更加分散的社会,人们之间的联系更少了。)

- The fragmented market for organic food makes it difficult for small farmers to compete with larger corporations.(有机食品的分散市场使得小农户难以与大型企业竞争。)




1. The company's management structure was highly fragmented.


2. The study of history can often seem fragmented and confusing.


3. The war left the country fragmented and divided.





例句:By contrast the American progressive tradition has been enormously factious, fragmented, and often self defeating; (尽管美国进步的传统已经变得相当分化、失去连贯性,并且经常不攻自破;)


例句:We can push it up: the forces become more fragmented; there is more of them, but they are weaker. (我们将它提高 变得更加分散 人数变得更多,但攻击力减弱了)


例句:It was the dynamic consequences of the competition amongst fragmented political bodies that resulted in an especially creative environment. (这是的体制间竞争的动态结果,这导致了创造性的环境。)


例句:And of course, Alexander couldn't sustain a government and it fragmented. (翻译:当然,大帝无法维持一个 帝国变得四分五裂 )


fragmented一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在fragmented potential(碎裂电位)、fragmented transport(分段运输)、fragmented packets attack(分段封包攻击)等常见短语中出现较多。

fragmented potential碎裂电位
fragmented transport分段运输
fragmented packets attack分段封包攻击


1. It was the dynamic consequences of the competition amongst fragmented political bodies that resulted in an especially creative environment. (翻译:这是的体制间竞争的动态结果,这导致了创造性的环境。)

2. And of course, Alexander couldn't sustain a government and it fragmented. (翻译:当然,大帝无法维持一个 帝国变得四分五裂 )

3. Britney Spears busted our Brit out of her everyday, fragmented haze of confusion and gave her the confidence to step up and perform. (翻译:小甜甜布兰妮让我们布里特整天魂不守舍 Britney Spears busted our Brit out of her everyday, fragmented 精神恍惚 haze of confusion 还给了她上台表演的自信 and gave her the confidence to step up and perform.)

4. We're fragmented from each other, we've got cascades of lies coming out of Washington ... (翻译:人际关系支离破碎, 而政界也是谎话连篇... )

5. And on its journey towards us, it actually fragmented into tons of different pieces. (翻译:而在朝我们前进的路途上, 它破裂成了无数不同的碎片。)

6. Her crossing the fragmented tiles, faltering at the step to the street, droning, not looking at me, "Can you help me?" (翻译:她穿越分散瓷砖, 蹒跚在街头的一步, 轰鸣,背对着我 “你能帮助我吗?” )

7. And of course, Alexander couldn't sustain a government and it fragmented. (翻译:当然,大帝无法维持一个 帝国变得四分五裂)

8. But where, in our increasingly secular and fragmented world, do we offer communality of experience, unmediated by our own furious consumerism? (翻译:但是在我们日渐世俗和破碎的世界中 我们是否在分享共通的经验 而不受我们冲动的消费主义影响? )

9. It's moved up again. The groups are more fragmented. (翻译:Alpha值又上升了,集团变得更加分散 )

10. The meniscus helps stabilize the knee and can be torn or fragmented acutely, topically during sports like soccer. (翻译:半月板有助于稳定膝盖, 但是容易被撕裂或发生急性碎裂, 特别是在像足球这种运动过程中。)

11. The command in Listing 8 creates a fragmented table called tab_frag_stat. (翻译:清单8中的命令创建了一个名为tab_frag_stat的分段表格。)

12. Perhaps, my soul back in love with you, give you, you left it fragmented, turned into nothing. (翻译:也许,我的灵魂回到了你的爱里,给了你,你离开后它破碎了,最终化为虚有。)

13. Country after country is splitting, seceding, succeeding, failing -- and it's all getting very fragmented. And this has not stopped. (翻译:这些国家一个接着一个,分离,兴盛,衰落 变得支离破碎,但同样的故事仍然在上演 )

14. Indeed, newsorganisations are realising that in a fragmented world readers are nolonger afraid to miss out on information. (翻译:事实上,新闻机构都意识到:身处四分五裂的世界,读者们都不再担心遗漏信息。)

15. Her crossing the fragmented tiles, faltering at the step to the street, droning, not looking at me, "Can you help me?" (翻译:她穿越分散瓷砖, 蹒跚在街头的一步, 轰鸣,背对着我 “你能帮助我吗?”)


