slomo是什么意思 slomo的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-04 20:50:22乌仛绑

1. 定义:

'slomo'是指"slow motion"的缩写词。它可以表示影片、音频或其他多媒体内容在播放过程中被减速处理。Slomo也可以作为名词,表示慢动作片段。

slomo是什么意思 slomo的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途:


3. 相关技术:


4. 影响:



1. The slomo replay of the goal was amazing.


2. They used a slomo camera to capture the dancer's movements.


3. The athlete watches a slomo video of their technique to improve their performance.


4. The new phone camera has a slomo feature that is perfect for capturing action shots.


5. The filmmaker used slomo shots to create a dreamy and surreal effect.


slomo是一个英文缩写,全名为slow motion,意为“慢动作”。常用于描述影视、体育比赛等场合中的慢动作画面。




1. The director wanted to show the impact of the explosion in slomo.


2. She watched the slomo replay of the gymnast's routine to study her technique.





例句:And I know he came to see you, Mo, 'cause he had no one else to turn to. (我知道他来这里找过你,Mo 除了你他能找谁?)


例句:Organization of the mo sympathized with pain agreed to send her to yanan, spotted the carbuncle take her mo allow separate peiping. (组织体恤墨玉的痛苦同意送她去延安,大喜过望的墨玉容许红玉带她分开北平。)


例句:Yet even a slo-mo crisis can do a lot of damage if it goes on for a year and counting. (然而,如果持续了xx年,而且还在继续,即使一场缓慢演变的危机也会造成巨大的伤害。)、装置

例句:And do you consider that a fairly common MO for a killer? (翻译:那你想过这对于一个凶手来说 这种行为正常吗?)


1. Yet even a slo-mo crisis can do a lot of damage if it goes on for a year and counting. (翻译:然而,如果持续了xx年,而且还在继续,即使一场缓慢演变的危机也会造成巨大的伤害。)

2. And do you consider that a fairly common MO for a killer? (翻译:那你想过这对于一个凶手来说 这种行为正常吗?)

3. MO: Yeah, sure. And we need to tell people what not to bring. (翻译:MO: 没问题.我们还需要告诉人们不该带什么)

4. In a way, the image of Mo Yan's Red Sorghum to cut into the discussion is to understand and grasp the best angle of Mo Yan. (翻译:在某种程度上讲,对红高粱的意象进行切入探讨,会是理解、把握小说的最佳角度。)

5. ♪ Her hips in slo-mo on the floor when we grind ♪ (翻译:♪她的臀部在地板上的时候,我们slo -mo磨♪)

6. CO: My car is in my living room! (翻译:CO: 我的车在客厅里 MO: 我的童子军能做12个邮箱 )

7. ♪ Dexter 7x07 ♪ Do the Wrong Thing Original Air Date on November 11, 2012 (翻译:-mo 时间轴: 钱多多 嗜血判官 第七季 第7集)

8. MO: One of our first launches was after the Dallas tornadoes this past April. (翻译:MO: xx月达拉斯的龙卷风是我们最早的行动之一)

9. MO: It's not rocket science. (翻译:MO: 这不像研究火箭 人们切实需要这些工具 )

10. As we watched, they became frustrated and left to go find somebody to help on their own. (翻译:...去找一些他们可以帮助的人 MO:于是我们开始组织大家 )

11. There are mo big powers in this country: (翻译:除了王 有两个实权人物 一个姓李家 一个姓金家)

12. And HeYingLiang catch Chen accidentally killed ronin Japan mo mo life threatening to accidents, ChenBo big. (翻译:和贺英良抓住陈墨玉误伤日本浪人致死的事故,以墨玉性命要挟陈博大。)

13. The eastern Qing city stretches hand to take the elbow of alley Mo, lane the eastern Ruis of the Mo and lane Mo bosom all hug in the bosom. (翻译:东方倾城伸手搭上弄墨的肩,将弄墨以及弄墨怀里的东方睿全都搂在怀里。)

14. Mm, in slo-mo, it kind of looks like you might've. (翻译:- 垛 篊笆冀杠 癣钩琌┻)

15. Mo laughed my obsession for the chapter of your spectrum. Mo laughed at me as madness, as you write poetry. (翻译:莫笑我痴迷,为你谱华章。莫笑我癫狂,为你赋新词。)
