饮料名字用英语怎么说 饮料名字英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-07 17:16:34三千痴缠


1. - We have Hawaiian Punch. - This'll just take a second.

饮料名字用英语怎么说 饮料名字英语翻译

2. For food... for brages...

3. is rybody okay for dnks?

4. We'll grab o dnks and go.

5. Oh, yes. Thank you for my dnk.

6. Thanks for the dnk, though.

7. They have all kinds of dnks.

8. Coffee, a dnk of something?

9. it's like a diet thing? No.

10. Of cose, one of us... will be removed. i apologize.

11. Cold dnk he don't make it.

12. There were dnks going aund.

13. Anything to dnk with that?

14. - What about some dnks? - Good idea.
