force supreme是什么意思 force supreme的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-07 20:12:28醉笙情

1. 意义和用途方面

force supreme是什么意思 force supreme的中文翻译、读音、例句

'force supreme'一词指的是最高的力量或权力,也可以指代最高级别的军事力量。这个词汇或缩写常常用于军事和领域,用于描述强大和压倒一切的力量或权威。

2. 用法和语境方面

'force supreme'常常出现在军事、和历史等领域的文献和演讲中。它可以用作名词,形容词或者动词。在一些国家的中,也会有军衔或职务的名称包含这个词汇。

3. 相关词汇和表达方面

'force supreme'的近义词包括supreme force, ultimate power, top military strength等。此外,'force supreme'也可以和其他词汇搭配使用,例如force supreme commander, force supreme authority, force supreme leader等。


1. The president declared that he would use force supreme to protect the country from threats.


2. The general is now the force supreme commander of our army and is responsible for all military operations.


3. The rebels were not able to withstand the force supreme of the government troops and were quickly defeated.


4. The United Nations deployed a force supreme to maintain peace and order in the war-torn region.


5. The king was considered the force supreme in medieval times and had absolute power over his subjects.


force supreme的中文翻译为“至高无上的力量”,读音为“fs sjuprim”。


1. The hero used his force supreme to defeat the evil villain and save the world.(英雄运用他至高无上的力量击败的恶棍并拯救了世界。)

2. The power of love is a force supreme that can conquer all obstacles.(爱的力量是一种至高无上的力量,可以克服所有障碍。)
