observable是什么意思 observable的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-09 08:16:28冰释

1. 定义:


observable是什么意思 observable的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 物理学中的应用:



(1) The speed of light is an observable quantity.

(2) The position and momentum of a quantum particle are observables that cannot be measured simultaneously.

3. 数学中的应用:



(1) In quantum mechanics, observables are represented by Hermitian operators on the Hilbert space.

(2) The observable universe is a sphere with a radius of about 46 billion light years.

4. 计算机科学中的应用:



(1) ReactiveX is a popular library for working with observables in many programming languages.

(2) The Angular framework uses observables extensively for handling user input and updating the user intece in real-time.


(1) The rotation of the earth is an observable phenomenon that can be measured by observing the position of the stars in the night sky.

(2) The energy of a particle is an observable quantity that can be measured using a detector.

(3) The observable universe is estimated to be about 93 billion light years in diameter.

(4) In computer science, observables are often used to manage streams of data from input devices or network connections.

(5) The observable behavior of a program refers to the actions it performs and the outputs it generates in response to different inputs.



1. The observable changes in the weather are due to the approaching storm. (天气的可观察变化是由来势汹涌的风暴引起的。)

2. The researchers studied the observable behavior of chimpanzees in their natural habitat. (研究人员在黑猩猩的自然栖息地研究了其可观测的行为。)

3. The experiment produced no observable results, leaving the scientists disappointed. (实验没有产生可观察的结果,让科学家感到失望。)

4. The astronomers observed the observable universe using powerful telescopes. (天文学家使用强大的望远镜观察可观察的宇宙。)

5. The observable fact is that sea levels are rising due to global warming. (可观察的事实是由于全球变暖海平面正在上升。)

6. The teacher used a microscope to show the students the observable structure of cells. (老师使用显微镜向学生展示细胞的可观察结构。)

7. The fluctuations in the stock market are observable on a daily basis. (股市波动可日常观察到。)

8. The observable symptoms of the patient indicated a serious illness. (病人的可观察症状表明了一种严重疾病。)

9. The observable patterns in the rock formations suggest past volcanic activity in the area. (石头构造中的可观察模式表明该地区曾经有火山活动。)




1. The effects of climate change are observable all around the world.(全球气候变化的影响在世界各地都是可观察的。)

2. The behavior of subatomic particles is not directly observable.(亚原子粒子的行为不是直接可观察的。)




例句:We can see all the way out to the edge of the observable universe, all the way back in time, almost to the moment of the Big Bang itself. (我们能够一直看到可以观测到的宇宙边缘, 能够回望时间长河, 几乎追溯到宇宙大爆炸的瞬间。)


例句:This fact is observable in the variously modulated scale of what may be included, ultimately, under the general heading of mimicry. (这个事实可被观察出来,涵盖在模拟的总标题下,有各种不同规模的调适。)


例句:You know, they're a step in size from the entire observable universe. (就好像,它们的数量级 基本等同于整个可观测的宇宙的数量级)


例句:In which they are obscured by the sun... and no long observable from Earth. (翻译:太阳使他们变得模糊... 从地球上看起来不明显)


observable一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在observable deterioratin([网络] 外观变质)、observable deterioration(外观可见的变质,显著变质)、observable effect(可观察效应)等常见短语中出现较多。

observable deterioratin[网络] 外观变质
observable deterioration外观可见的变质,显著变质
observable effect可观察效应
observable error可观测误差
observable information可观测信息
observable operator【量子力学】观测量算符
observable quantity【物理学】可观测量
observable subspace可观测子空间
observable temperature[电] 可测温度


1. You know, they're a step in size from the entire observable universe. (翻译:就好像,它们的数量级 基本等同于整个可观测的宇宙的数量级)

2. In which they are obscured by the sun... and no long observable from Earth. (翻译:太阳使他们变得模糊... 从地球上看起来不明显)

3. However, if we measure the observable, the wave function will immediately become an eigenstate of that observable. (翻译:然而如果我们测量可见,波函数将立即变成为可见的特征态。)

4. By definition, it must be observable. Ready to give it a go? (翻译:从定义上来说 这是可行的 By definition, it must be observable.)

5. Copy elision is the only allowed form of optimization that can change the observable side-effects. (翻译:复制是唯一允许省略形式的优化,可以改变可观察到的副作用。)

6. Spacetime also appears to have a simply connected topology, at least on the length-scale of the observable universe. (翻译:时空似乎也有一个简单连接的拓扑结构,至少的长度,规模之大可见的宇宙。)

7. Similarly, shifts in the constants of natural laws could occur so slowly that they would only be observable over the lifetime of the universe. (翻译:同理,自然定律常量的变化 可能发生得太过缓慢, 以至于只有在宇宙的 整个生命周期中才能观察到。)

8. The MLV is of low observable design with minimised acoustic, radar and thermal signatures. (翻译:这款车的设计,达到了最小的噪音,最小的雷达和热探测隐蔽性。)

9. Giant voids may well exist out there, but the chance of our finding one in our observable universe would seem to be tiny. (翻译:巨型空洞可能存在,但是我们在可观察到的宇宙中找到这么一个的可能性是微乎其微的。)

10. Despite the fact that each and every one of these disorders originates in the brain, most of these disorders are diagnosed solely on the basis of observable behavior. (翻译:尽管每一种 每一种疾病 都可以在大脑中找到根源, 但大部分 只能通过可观察到的 行为来确诊。)

11. We can see all the way out to the edge of the observable universe, all the way back in time, almost to the moment of the Big Bang itself. (翻译:我们能够一直看到可以观测到的宇宙边缘,能够回望时间长河,几乎追溯到宇宙大爆炸的瞬间。)

12. All of the observable evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that you are playing me. (翻译:所有可见的证据 都导向无可避免的结论,就是你在玩弄我)

13. It seems like the universe is just infinite, which it is, but the observable universe is finite. (翻译:宇宙看起来是无边无际的, 事实也确实如此, 但是可观测的宇宙是有限的。)

14. There’s still a wide range of things that are smaller than what’s currently observable but larger than the planck scale to investigate. (翻译:仍然有大量的 比我们目前能观察到的小, 但大于普朗克尺度的东西 需要我们去探究。)

15. Secondly, some of the undoubted differences in performance observable at present look like the inverse of earlier differences. (翻译:第二,目前一些可观察到的在表现上毫无疑问的差异,看上去像早期差异的反转。)


