芙蓉说用英语怎么说 芙蓉说的英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-09 10:48:33KiSsヤ尛憇藌

芙蓉说用英语翻译为"egg fooyoong",在常中也可以翻译为"egg foo yung",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到69个与芙蓉说相关翻译和例句。

芙蓉说用英语怎么说 芙蓉说的英语翻译

1. Hibiscus mutabilis( 木芙蓉;芙蓉花;醉酒芙蓉)

2. Well done, Madame Fu Fu.

3. Bu Yong, why are you saying that the answer is yo name?

4. The Cwn Pncess sister's name is Bu Yong.

5. chicken slices wish lotus-white (eggwhite)

6. Hibiscus flowers come into blossoms in February.

7. "i'm taking Fle on a thestral, " said Bill. "She's not that fond of boms. "


8. Therefore, i, Bu Yong, am very happy.

9. Don't forget about o party tonight, Fu Fu!

10. Hot hibiscus... flamingo fiesta... or mango madness...

11. He wants to pluck the Hibiscus Flower (suggesting Tao Lan).

12. Guo Fung You have the ght to keep silent

13. Doc fixed me up, Flo took me in.

14. A performance by Madame Fu Fu.
