tower of london是什么意思 tower of london的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-09 15:03:04飞上天

词义:Tower of London指的是英国伦敦市中心的一座历史古迹,是英国最著名的城堡之一。它曾经是皇家宫殿、要塞、和军械库。现在是一个博物馆,展示了英国皇家的历史和珍贵文物。


tower of london是什么意思 tower of london的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:the Tower of London(常用的表述方式)


发音拼写:/tar v lndn/


1. The Tower of London is a historic fortress located in central London.(伦敦塔是位于伦敦市中心的历史要塞。)

2. The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078.(伦敦塔于xx年由威廉征服者建造。)

3. The Tower of London has a long and storied history, having served as both a royal palace and a prison.(伦敦塔有着悠久而丰富的历史,曾作为皇宫和使用。)

4. The Crown Jewels can be seen at the Tower of London.(王冠珠宝可以在伦敦塔观看。)

5. The Tower of London is one of the country's top tourist attractions.(伦敦塔是该国最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。)

6. Many famous figures were imprisoned in the Tower of London, including Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh.(许多著名人物曾被监禁在伦敦塔内,包括安妮布林和沃尔特罗利爵士。)

7. The Tower of London's iconic Beefeaters are famous for guarding the Crown Jewels.(伦敦塔标志性的侍卫士兵因护卫王冠珠宝而闻名于世。)

Tower of London是伦敦的一个古老的城堡和要塞,它位于泰晤士河北岸,是英国历史上最著名的地标之一。它建于11世纪,曾经是英格兰王室的王宫、、武器库和宝库。


读音:/tar v lndn/


1. The Tower of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London.(伦敦塔是伦敦最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。)

2. The crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.(皇家珠宝藏在伦敦塔内。)

tower of london在英语中代表"英国伦敦塔、伦敦塔桥"的意思,还有旅伦敦塔的意思,单词读音音标为[toweroflondon],tower of london来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到61个与tower of london相关的例句。

Tower of London的释义


例句:just staring at his tower. (just staring at his tower. 只盯着他的塔)


例句:to be married in two days' time at the world's most romantic location, the Tower of London. (两天后就举行婚礼 就在世界上最浪漫的地方 伦敦塔)


例句:1499 - Pretender to the throne Perkin Warbeck is hanged for reportedly attempting to escape from the Tower of London. (xx年,觊觎英格兰王位的波金沃贝克因被报告试图从伦敦塔楼逃走而被执行绞刑。)


例句:It consisted of a brooding heap of black basaltic lave from the Tower of London. (翻译:它包括一个沉思一堆黑色玄武岩澡从伦敦塔。)


tower of london一般作为名词使用,如在London tower(伦敦塔)、Tower of London(n. 【旅】伦敦塔\n[网络] 伦敦城堡;英国伦敦塔;伦敦塔桥)、London(伦敦(英国) )等常见短语中出现较多。

London tower伦敦塔
Tower of Londonn. 【旅】伦敦塔\n[网络] 伦敦城堡;英国伦敦塔;伦敦塔桥
the towerna. 伦敦塔\n[网络] 高塔;钟楼;塔楼
double london双层经梳毛斜纹窄幅布(英国产)
East London东伦敦(南非一港市)
Euronext London[网络] 泛欧交易所伦敦
EDX London[网络] 伦敦证券及衍生产品交易所;伦敦证券及衍生工具交易所
Fire of London[网络] 伦敦大火


1. 1499 - Pretender to the throne Perkin Warbeck is hanged for reportedly attempting to escape from the Tower of London. (翻译:xx年,觊觎英格兰王位的波金沃贝克因被报告试图从伦敦塔楼逃走而被执行绞刑。)

2. It consisted of a brooding heap of black basaltic lave from the Tower of London. (翻译:它包括一个沉思一堆黑色玄武岩澡从伦敦塔。)

3. In my opinion, this is the finest place in London. (翻译:this is the finest place in London.)

4. - Do they not have them in London? (翻译:- Do they not have them in London?)

5. Paris' Tower, London's police - so spineless. (翻译:巴黎铁塔,伦敦。)

6. Then I had a bit of a brainwave, as we floated past the Tower of London. (翻译:后来我灵机一动 当我们划船过伦敦塔时 哦 天哪)

7. Tower confirms one runway has now been cleared to allow landings from incoming flights from London, Athens and Brussels. (翻译:塔台确认 一条跑道已被清理干净 Tower confirms one runway has now been cleared 来自伦敦 雅典和布鲁塞尔的 to allow landings from incoming flights 进港航班 已被允许降落 from London, Athens and Brussels.)

8. Besides them, there was a cruise on the Thames River, a visit to the Tower of London as well as a walk through Piccadilly Circus. (翻译:除了这两处景点,还有我们还乘船在泰晤士河上航行、参观伦敦塔、漫步皮卡迪利广场。)

9. You better be careful or you might end up in the Tower of London. (翻译:你最好小心点,否则下半辈子要在这儿蹲牢房了)

10. 'Even here, in the East End of London. (翻译:in the East End of London.)

11. You have to instruct the tower. (翻译:快点通知指挥塔 You have to instruct the tower.)

12. Never seen London before, have they, your little lot? (翻译:Never seen London before, have they, your little lot?)

13. The tower of London is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. (翻译:伦敦的伦敦塔是英国最引人的旅游热点之一。)

14. And he was thrown into the Tower of London and imprisoned, but he was brave enough, he was brave enough to take them on, and in the end, he had such popular support in London that he won. (翻译:他被丢到了伦敦塔里 遭到囚禁, 但是他还是很勇敢 拥有足够的勇气在议会上提议, 并且到最后他在伦敦拥有众多的支持声音而赢得了胜利。)

15. - But why are we going to London? (翻译:- Two hours. - But why are we going to London?)


tower of london作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、towers、of、london等。
