重演用英语怎么说 重演的英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-09 21:36:33忆蓉

重演在英语中翻译是"put on an old play etc.",还经常被译作 [进化] recapitulation,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到66个与重演相关译文和例句。

yesterday once History repeats itself ( 历史重演 )

History repeats itself action is repetitive History y repeats itself ( 历史往往重演 )

重演用英语怎么说 重演的英语翻译

History repeats itself La stoa si pete ( 历史会重演 )

History tends to repeat itself ( 历史总是重演 )

1. Seems that history is repeating itself.

2. And now it's come full circle.

3. They were acting out some scene fm some movie they liked.

4. i think i had a recrence.

5. i guess that could go on and on and on.

6. it's the same thing all over again.

7. You guys are really looking forward to this reenactment thing?

8. Don't start that. Not again.

9. Fear of bloody aftermath. Extra.

10. - This is about the reboots too.

11. it's Amanda Heller all over again.

12. History repeat justs itself.
