abrasive是什么意思 abrasive的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-10 08:58:39乖乖哒(*'▽'*)

abrasive是什么意思 abrasive的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I will explain the word "abrasive" from the following five aspects and provide five examples in both Chinese and English.

1. Definition

"Abrasive" is an adjective that describes something or someone that is rough, harsh, or irritating. It can also refer to a substance or material that is used to rub or polish another suce to make it smoother.

Example: The abrasive salesman made me feel uncomfortable.

2. Synonyms

Other words that have similar meanings to "abrasive" include rough, grating, caustic, acerbic, and harsh.

Example: His abrasive attitude made it difficult for him to make friends.

3. Antonyms

Words that have the opposite meaning of "abrasive" include smooth, gentle, soothing, soft, and polished.

Example: The violinist's performance was smooth and soothing.

4. Contexts

"Abrasive" can be used in various contexts, such as in describing a person's behavior, products, or even emotions.

Example: The abrasive sound of the jackhammer was irritating.

5. Idioms

There are some idioms that include the word "abrasive," such as "to rub someone the wrong way," which means to irritate or annoy someone.

Example: His abrasive remarks rubbed me the wrong way.


1. 这些砂纸带有粗糙的表面,可以起到磨光的作用。

These sandpapers have abrasive suce that can be used for polishing.

2. 他的粗暴态度让很多人都不喜欢和他相处。

His abrasive attitude makes it hard for him to maintain relationships.

3. 她的机智与机灵是缓和紧张气氛的最好方式。

Her humor and wit are the best antidote to abrasive situations.

4. 这个演员的声音虽然有些嘶哑,但是很温柔优美。

Despite his abrasive voice, this actor's performance was smooth and elegant.

5. 他的过于真诚已经变成了一种犀利而刺人的特点。

His excessive honesty has turned into an abrasive and biting personality trait.





1. The abrasive material in the sandpaper helped smooth out the rough suce.


2. His abrasive attitude towards his coworkers made it difficult to work as a team.


3. Some cleaners contain abrasive substances that can scratch or damage delicate suces.





例句:Abrasive belt, rubbing oil, cleanout menus, protecting velum adopt international famous brand. (砂带、研磨油、清洗剂、保护膜全部采用进口驰名品牌;)


例句:It's used as an insecticide, filtering agent, cleaning abrasive, ceramics. (一直被用作杀虫剂 过滤剂, 打磨砂石以及制作陶器)


例句:Try to avoid abrasive soaps, cleansing granules, astringents, and vigorous scrubbing. (避免使用磨砂皂,清洁颗粒,收敛剂及竭尽搓洗。)


例句:The results indicate that the treated dimond abrasive enhances the grinding ratio of wheels observably under the dry condition. (翻译:结果表明,在干磨的条件下,处理后的金刚石磨料对砂轮磨削比的提高显著。)


abrasive一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在difficulty abrasive(难度损)、fine abrasive([医]细磨研磨剂(切片机刀磨刀用))、finer abrasive(细磨料)等常见短语中出现较多。

difficulty abrasive难度损
fine abrasive[医]细磨研磨剂(切片机刀磨刀用)
finer abrasive细磨料
grinding abrasive研磨料
levigated abrasive细磨磨料
manufactured abrasive人造磨料
mild abrasive柔和磨料
natural abrasive天然磨料
polishing abrasive磨光剂


1. Try to avoid abrasive soaps, cleansing granules, astringents, and vigorous scrubbing. (翻译:避免使用磨砂皂,清洁颗粒,收敛剂及竭尽搓洗。)

2. The results indicate that the treated dimond abrasive enhances the grinding ratio of wheels observably under the dry condition. (翻译:结果表明,在干磨的条件下,处理后的金刚石磨料对砂轮磨削比的提高显著。)

3. The hydraulics and abrasive parameters of premixing jet has great effect on casing cutting efficiency. (翻译:水力参数和磨料参数对前混式磨料射流切割套管的效率有着极重要的影响。)

4. The impact abrasive properties of as-cast bainitic low-carbon ductile iron were investigated. (翻译:研究经准铸态贝氏体工艺处理低碳球墨铸铁冲击磨料磨损特性。)

5. The grinding efficiency of reseau abrasive cloth is improved because of SiC is arranged in a cusp on the reseau base cloth. (翻译:介绍了双面静电植砂网格砂布的生产工艺和静电场的设计,碳化硅砂粒在网格基布上呈峰状排列,提高了网格砂布的磨削效率。)

6. Star Maling Epoxy Primer can be used as a corrosion resistant primer on abrasive blasted steel. (翻译:可作为防锈底漆,适用于喷砂处理的钢材表面。)

7. The control of pores is an important way to improve the performances of CBN abrasive tools. (翻译:根据需要控制气孔状态是提高陶瓷CBN磨具使川性能的一个重要途径。)

8. Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Grinding wheels for tool and toolroom grinding (翻译:粘合磨料产品.尺寸.工具和工具室磨削用砂轮)

9. If the undeformed chip thickness is reduced, the effect of the top part of the abrasive grain will increase. (翻译:当未变形切屑厚度减小时,磨粒顶端钝圆的影响增大;)

10. Applicable to weak base, weak acid, oli, especially resistant to abrasive medium. (翻译:适用于弱碱,弱酸,油类,尤其能耐研磨性介质。)

11. Anti-abrasive orbit which can be discharged is processed through planomiller, smooth and bright; (翻译:可拆卸耐磨轨道,经过龙门铣床加工,平整光滑。)

12. She was the New Englander and abrasive, and he was this courtly fellow. (翻译:她来自新英格兰地区,说话很生硬率直,而他则是一个彬彬有礼的人。)

13. 13, The problem with Buchwalter is he's too abrasive. No charm. Lots of enemies. (翻译:巴克活特是个粗人。毫无魅力,树敌太多。%。)

14. FACT: As a result of this myth, people tend to overwash their skin, often scrubbing hard with abrasive cleanses. (翻译:由于这样的传言,人们倾向于过勤地清洗皮肤,常用摩挲清洗剂生硬地洗涤。)

15. The non-corrosive construction of the AFO cylinder body is reliable in abrasive environments, able to withstand the toughest conditions. (翻译:在非踝足矫形器缸体腐蚀建设是可靠的研磨环境,能够经受最艰难的条件。)
