多快好省用英语怎么说 多快好省英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-10 10:40:31坏吖头(+﹏+)~

多快好省英语有两种说法,可以翻译为achi greater faster better and economical results,还网络中常译为" AOA DVD RIPPER",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到15个与多快好省相关短语翻译和用法。

1. achi greater faster better and economical results

多快好省翻译为achi greater faster better and economical results。

多快好省用英语怎么说 多快好省英语翻译


On the other hand, nanotechnolo pvides new mateals and new methods for biological research, and enable biological research much efficient.

多快好省翻译为better faster and economically。


The practice has pved that 'plant-line cycle method' has the advantage of greater, faster, better and economical results, and constitutes the new technical of cps seeds pduction.

2. - Okay, well how long's soon?

3. i'm doing the best i can here!

4. To save the 20 bucks. Nope.

译文:好省20块钱 to save the 20 bucks.。

5. Don't worry about me. Keep going fast as you can.

6. Now you have saved some money. Yes.

7. How soon were you thinkin'?

8. i'd shake its dust off my feet soon enough, you bet.

9. i wanna get out of here and away fm you as fast as humanly possible.

10. And we're up, and we can go as fast as we like.

11. To the airport, as fast as you can, please. Thank you.
