troublemaker是什么意思 troublemaker的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-10 21:36:38你如温阳


troublemaker是什么意思 troublemaker的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:troublemaker指的是一个人,他会故意制造麻烦和问题,或者会导致别人遇到困难或不快。

2. 词汇用法:troublemaker可以作为名词或形容词使用,可以用来描述一个人或一件事情。

3. 词汇同义词:troublemaker的同义词包括rabble-rouser,instigator,agitator,disturber等。

4. 词汇反义词:troublemaker的反义词包括peacemaker,reconciler,mediator等。

5. 词汇例句:

- He was constantly causing trouble in the clroom, the teacher branded him a troublemaker.

- The company was forced to fire the employee because of his reputation as a troublemaker.

- Police didn’t like him because he was known as a troublemaker at football matches.

- The new employee quickly gained a reputation as a troublemaker because of his confrontational approach.

- Despite his reputation as a troublemaker, he was able to win the race and become a champion.

1. Vocabulary meaning: troublemaker refers to a person who intentionally creates trouble and problems, or causes difficulties or unhappiness for others.

2. Vocabulary usage: troublemaker can be used as a noun or adjective and can be used to describe a person or thing.

3. Vocabulary synonyms: synonyms for troublemaker include rabble-rouser, instigator, agitator, disturber, etc.

4. Vocabulary antonyms: antonyms for troublemaker include peacemaker, reconciler, mediator, etc.

5. Vocabulary examples:

- 他总是在课堂上捣乱,老师认定他是个捣蛋鬼。


- 警方不喜欢他,因为他在足球比赛中被认为是个捣蛋鬼。

- 新员工因其对抗性的方式而迅速获得了捣蛋鬼的声誉。

- 尽管他有捣蛋鬼的声誉,但他能够赢得比赛并成为冠军。




1. He's always causing trouble at school, he's such a troublemaker. (他总是在学校惹麻烦,他真是个麻烦制造者。)

2. The media often portrays agers as troublemakers, but that's not always the case. (媒体经常把青少年描述成为者,但这并不总是真的。)

3. Some people enjoy being a troublemaker, but it's never a good idea to cause problems for others. (有些人喜欢做麻烦制造者,但给别人带来麻烦从来都不是一个好主意。)




例句:They also did not want to be labeled a troublemaker or to lose their jobs. (而且她们不想被说成是“事妈”,或者因此而失去工作。)


例句:She complained -- labeled a troublemaker, never to do another Wall Street deal again. (她投诉过 但被贴上了者的标签 从此没有再做过任何华尔街的交易 )


例句:I really gotta sign off now, so... even If you were a stinking nosy troublemaker all the time... thanks for everything just the same. (我真的该停笔了 那么 即使你一直是个 爱管闲事的麻烦制造者 我仍然感谢你所做的一切)


例句:she's such a troublemaker. (翻译:不管睡着还是醒着 真是个添麻烦的家伙 没那回事!)


1. I really gotta sign off now, so... even If you were a stinking nosy troublemaker all the time... thanks for everything just the same. (翻译:我真的该停笔了 那么 即使你一直是个 爱管闲事的麻烦制造者 我仍然感谢你所做的一切)

2. she's such a troublemaker. (翻译:不管睡着还是醒着 真是个添麻烦的家伙 没那回事!)

3. Namai added that Kato was a "very serious" worker and had not stood out as a troublemaker. (翻译:生井说加藤是一个工作很认真的人,从来没有给公司制造过任何麻烦。)

4. So, $9000 for the troublemaker. (翻译:所以 九千美金 So, $9000 买下不听话的小子 For the troublemaker.)

5. You're a liar and a troublemaker and, if you ask me, you got no business walking the streets of Los Angeles. (翻译:要我说,你就是个骗子,只会给我们制造麻烦 在洛杉矶街上巡逻的可不是你)

6. But just in case it's a trick, let us send with him a useless little troublemaker fish. This will be a test. (翻译:但得防备这会是个,让我们给他一条没用的喜欢捣蛋的小鱼做这个测试。)

7. He's new, and I'm afraid he's a troublemaker. (翻译:他是新来的,而且我担心 他是个问题制造者)

8. Kang was a troublemaker, but not evil. (翻译:上面好像说姜上兵制造了点麻烦 但并不是个坏人)

9. Namai added that Kato was a "very serious" worker and had not stood out as a troublemaker. (翻译:生井说加藤是一个工作很认真的人,从来没有给公司制造过任何麻烦。)

10. A troublemaker everyone has had enough of. (翻译:Atroublemaker 每个人都已经受够了。)

11. I'm also told that you are a troublemaker, you are arrogant, impolitic... ..and utterly incapable of keeping your opinions to yourself. (翻译:我还听说你是个惹事精 傲慢自大 无视尊长... 还完全不懂得保留自己的想法)

12. If I were you I'd be careful. This one's a troublemaker. (翻译:如果我是你,我会小心点 因为这家伙是个淘气包)

13. I'm such a troublemaker. (翻译:我就是这样一个让人头疼的人。)

14. You know, the one thing I have excess of here is the troublemaker. (翻译:你要知道,一件事情 我这里是不准有麻烦制造者)

15. Now Mrs. Meacham thinks I'm a liar... and she's gonna tell my mom and dad I'm a big troublemaker tonight. (翻译:现在敏查老师觉得我是个骗子 她今天肯定会告诉我爸妈我是个捣蛋鬼)


