agency是什么意思 agency的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-11 02:50:57墨染盛夏

agency是什么意思 agency的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义方面:

- Agency 可以指“代理机构”,特指代表其他人或组织行事的机构,例如招聘代理机构、机构等。

- Agency 也可以指“代理服务”,即为他人提供代理服务的行为,如“travel agency(旅行社)”、“talent agency(人才代理机构)”等。

- Agency 还可以指“作用力”,表示一种机构或个人的影响力、影响范围等,例如“advertising agency(广告公司)”、“intelligence agency(情报机构)”等。

- Agency 还可以指“代理权”,是指一种法律或权利,让一个人或组织代表他人或他组织行事的权利,如“power of agency(代理权)”。

2. 缩写方面:

- AGENCY 可以指“The American Glware Alliance for Consumer Safety”,一个致力于为消费者提供安全玻璃制品的组织。

- AGENCY 也可以指“Automated Graphic Export National System”,一个用于自动化制图的软件系统。

- AGENCY 还可以是“Annual General Examination for Year-End Assessment”,即年终考核,一种企业管理术语。

- AGENCY 还可以指“Australian Actuary”,一个澳大利亚机构,该机构负责为提供保险和养老金方面的咨询报告。

3. 中英例句:

- The travel agency arranged a two-week trip to Europe for me. (旅行社为我安排了一次为期两周的欧洲之旅。)

- The advertising agency did a great job promoting our new product. (广告公司在推广我们的新产品方面做得非常出色。)

- The intelligence agency is responsible for collecting and yzing information about potential threats to national security. (情报机构负责收集和分析潜在的威胁信息。)

- My power of agency allows me to make decisions on behalf of my clients. (我的代理权允许我代表我的客户做出决策。)

- The AGENCY is committed to ensuring that all glware products on the market are safe for consumers. (AGENCY致力于确保市场上的所有玻璃制品对消费者都是安全的。)

- The AGENCY software can help you automate your graphic design tasks. (AGENCY软件可以帮助您自动化您的图形设计任务。)

- The company's annual general examination (AGENCY) is coming up soon. (公司的年度考核(AGENCY)很快就要来了。)

- The Australian Actuary (AGENCY) provides expert advice to the government on insurance and pension matters. (澳大利亚精算师(AGENCY)为提供有关保险和养老金事项的专业建议。)

4. 用法方面:

- Agency 一般用于形容有代理权或代理服务的机构或个人,例如“talent agency”、“employment agency”等。

- Agency 还可以用于表示一种“作用力”,例如“advertising agency”、“public relations agency”等。

- 缩写 AGENCY 一般用于指代某个组织,例如“The AGENCY for Healthcare Research and Quality”。

- 在商业和法律领域中,agency 常被用于法律文件中,用于涉及代理或授权的条款或规定。




1. The marketing agency helped us promote our products to a wider audience. (这家营销机构帮我们把产品推销到更广泛的受众群体中。)

2. She works for a talent agency, representing actors and actresses. (她在一家人才代理公司工作,代表演员和女演员。)

3. The government agency is responsible for monitoring environmental pollution. (机构负责监测环境污染情况。)

4. The lawyer acted as an agency for the client in negotiating the contract. (律师代表客户与对方谈判合同。)




例句:Pity we could have opened an agency. (真可惜 我们都能开个代理处了 Pity we could have opened an agency.)


例句:Pull Agency resource into protecting a journalist? (让机构资源去保护一个记者? Pull Agency resource into protecting a journalist?)


例句:Girls, this is Vadim Yochenko head of the Agency (姑娘们,这是瓦迪・尤先科 中介公司的经理 - 这是)


例句:You know, my agency exists because yours imploded. (翻译:我的组织之所以存在 You know, my agency exists 是因为你的组织完蛋了 because yours imploded.)


agency一般作为名词使用,如在the agency([网络] 机构;代理特工;黑暗代理人)、Direct Agency(直接代理)、directing agency(引导站)等常见短语中出现较多。

the agency[网络] 机构;代理特工;黑暗代理人
Direct Agency直接代理
directing agency引导站
divorce agency离婚代理
disclosed agency[网络] 指名代理;显露我心底的秘密;公开本人身份的代理
disposal agency授权代理人
dress agency服装代销店(或代理行)
Entrusted Agency委托代理
Environment Agency[网络] 英国环境署;环境局;英国环境局
employment agency[经] 职业介绍所


1. Girls, this is Vadim Yochenko head of the Agency (翻译:姑娘们,这是瓦迪・尤先科 中介公司的经理 - 这是)

2. You know, my agency exists because yours imploded. (翻译:我的组织之所以存在 You know, my agency exists 是因为你的组织完蛋了 because yours imploded.)

3. But in my view, this is profoundly problematic for the intergovernmental agency, an agency that has a mission to promote sustainable living. (翻译:但是依我来看, 对于一家跨机构来说, 这里面有很严重的问题。这个机构旨在发展可持续生存, )

4. Typical agency rental. Yeah. (翻译:Typical agency rental.)

5. They are what you might call a recruitment agency. (翻译:They are what you might call a recruitment agency. 也就是所谓的招聘机构)

6. This one belongs to the Agency, actually. (翻译:其实这个文件夹是署里的 This one belongs to the agency, actually.)

7. joins the National Police Agency. (翻译:xx年xx月 夜神月,xx岁,进入警视厅 xx年夏天 KIRA的制裁行为更加扩大了)

8. At this moment, the Agency has no intel. (翻译:the agency has no intel.)

9. Theheadquarters for the National Security Agency. (翻译:国土安全指挥中心 你喜欢的天Sptambrh今天?)

10. The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing. (翻译:情报局对这些事都有报酬 The agency has discretionary funds for this kind of thing.)

11. Have been attacked in the last few minutes, (翻译:好多个组织的服务器 Well, multiple agency servers)

12. Futhermore, the Agency has the power to detain and question anyone suspected of having such information. (翻译:机构有权力 the Agency has the power 扣押和讯问 to detain and question 任何嫌疑者 anyone suspected of having such information.)

13. And that property is owned by an agency of a foreign state. (翻译:还有财产被外国机构持有 And that property is owned by an agency of a foreign state.)

14. The Safer Australia Agency... (翻译:澳大利亚... The Safer Australia Agency...)

15. Nathan Egan runs Freesource Agency, which consults about social media. (翻译:内森伊冈管理着Freesource Agency,这是一家社会媒体顾问公司。)
