two people是什么意思 two people的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-11 09:56:32燕尾服

以下是对于'two people'这个单词或者缩写词的解释、展开和例句:

two people是什么意思 two people的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 解释

'two people' 是一个英语短语,意思是 "两个人"。这个短语也能缩写为 "2P" 或者 "2人"。

2. 用法

'two people' 可以被用于许多情景,比如:

- 描述一个场景中有两个人。

- 讨论两个人之间的关系。

- 对于某些游戏或者体育运动来说, 'two people' 是指两个玩家或者比赛双方的称呼。

3. 例句

以下是 'two people' 在不同情景下的一些例句:

- 两个人在公园里散步。Two people are taking a walk in the park.

- 我们需要两个人干这个活。We need two people to do this job.

- 两个人之间的关系越来越紧张。The relationship between the two people is getting more and more tense.

- 在这个游戏中,必须有两个人才能玩。In this game, there must be two people to play.

- 他们两个人在这个公司的事务中扮演着关键角色。The two people play critical roles in the affairs of the company.

总之,'two people' 这个英语短语在描述人数为两个的情景中使用,同时也可以用于讨论双方之间的关系,或者体育比赛中的称呼。

two people的意思是两个人。


读音:[tu pipl]


1. There were only two people in the room.


2. The car is only big enough for two people.


two people在英语中代表"电影"的意思,在日常中也代表"昙花未了情"的意思,单词读音音标为[twopeople],two people是一个英语名词,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到40个与two people相关的例句。

Two people的词典翻译


例句:Real people with real jobs. (- I talk to people. - Real people with real jobs.)


例句:But it only killed about one to two people. (...削平了数百英里的树木, But it only killed about one to two people. 但只杀死了一两个人。)


two people一般作为名词使用,如在people people([网络] 人物;;动新闻)、people(人们 )、no such people(没有这样的人)等常见短语中出现较多。

people people[网络] 人物;;动新闻
no such people没有这样的人
people with〈文〉使充满
the people
TO people[网络] 对人类来说;一切随缘
two and two= by two
two by twona. 两个两个\n[网络] 两个两个地;二乘二;两两成对
two for two[网络] 两个两美元


1. She killed two of your people, right? (翻译:她杀了两个同伴 对吗? She killed two of your people, right?)

2. Most people only get a dash between two dates (翻译:大多数人在这两个时间差上只是一闪而过 Most people only get a dashbetween two dates)

3. There are two other people at the bank using NZT. (翻译:银行里还有两个人在服用NZT There are two other people at the bank using NZT.)

4. They say you killed two people in Livingston. (翻译:听说你在利文斯顿杀了两个人 They say you killed two people in Livingston.)

5. Maybe we could try this again. (翻译:Seven hundred and fifty people get on. Two get off.)

6. These are two for one, right? (翻译:These are two for one, right?)

7. Only two people knew where Jim and Cap had gone. (翻译:只有两个人知道吉姆和盖去了哪里 Only two people knew where Jim and Cap had gone,)

8. I feel like two totally different people... (翻译:我感觉自己完全是两个不同的人 I feel like two totally different people -- 原电影名为Dr.)

9. Trying to profit from the brutal murder of two innocent people. (翻译:想从一桩残忍的双重案里赚点钱罢了 Trying to profit from the brutal murder of two innocent people.)

10. Alright, one, two and three and go... (翻译:two and three and go)

11. And I realize that when two people are in love, sometimes they... (翻译:我也认识到 And I realize 当两个人相爱的时候 有时他们... that when two people are in love, sometimes they...)

12. Blind people are people too. (翻译:盲人也是人 Blind people are people too.)

13. One live as two, two live as one (翻译:One live as two, two live as one)

14. Now two million people agree with him. (翻译:现在有两百万人同意他的说法 Now two million people agree with him.)

15. One, two, one, two, three, four! (翻译:一, 二, 一, 二, 三, 四! One, two, one, two, three, four!)
