离子半径用英语怎么说 离子半径英语翻译

生活学习2024-03-11 17:00:44五子棋

离子半径用英语翻译为"tetrahedral radius",还可以翻译为effective ionic radius,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到88个与离子半径相关释义和例句。

1. hydrated ionic radius(合离子半径)

1. Or a circle would be radius x "love"?

离子半径用英语怎么说 离子半径英语翻译

3. Therefore, a postive ion has a aller radius than its atom and vice versa.

4. The blast radius wasn't that...

5. We increase the radius, we increase the area.

6. A new calculating model was deved fm the relation of absolute hardness to the radii of polyvalent ions.


7. Puting forward the selection rule of the ller radius.

8. it's actually half the diameter.

9. Sodium flows in, and potassium flows out.

10. Short radius and long radius of lapillus was linearly correlated.

11. This is ionic radii with a noble gas configation.

12. They're back in com range.
