hunting season是什么意思 hunting season的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-11 18:18:32面善

hunting season是什么意思 hunting season的中文翻译、读音、例句


Hunting season是指狩猎季节,这个词或缩写词可以从如下三个方面进行解释:

1. 狩猎季节的时间和周期:根据不同的动物和国家的法律规定,狩猎季节的时间和周期可能会有所不同。在某些国家,狩猎季节只有几个月,而在其他国家则可能持续六个月或更长时间。


1. The hunting season for deer in this state lasts from September to February.

2. The hunting season for birds in the UK begins in October and lasts until the end of January.

3. In California, the hunting season for black bears is only in the month of October.

2. 狩猎季节的影响:由于狩猎季节的存在,在某些地区可能会受到猎人和狩猎活动的影响。例如,在某些区域,由于狩猎活动的高峰期,徒步旅行和露营可能会受到限制或不推荐。


1. The hiking trail is closed during the hunting season to ensure the safety of hikers.

2. Due to the hunting season, some areas may experience increased traffic from hunters and their equipment.

3. During the hunting season, local restaurants may see an increase in business due to the influx of hunters.

3. 狩猎季节的文化意义:狩猎在某些国家和文化中有着深厚的历史和文化意义。在这些地区,狩猎季节被视为一种重要的节日或活动,并且可能会有特定的庆祝活动。


1. In Scotland, the opening of the deer hunting season is celebrated with a traditional ceremony.

2. The hunting season in the United States is often accompanied by large festivals and community events.

3. Many Native American tribes view hunting as a sacred activity and have specific rituals and ceremonies for the hunting season.

以上是关于'hunting season'的的三方面说明和例句,请参考。


读音:hnt sizn


1. The hunting season for deer starts in November.


2. During hunting season, it's important to wear bright-colored clothing to stay safe.


3. The local government has set strict regulations on hunting during the hunting season.


hunting season的意思是"狩猎季节",其次还有"狩猎季节"的意思,单词读音音标为[hnt si:zn],hunting season常被用作名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到88个与hunting season相关的例句。

Hunting season的中文翻译


例句:Last season he had some financial problems. (上一季他的财务发生问题 Last season he had some financial problems.)


hunting season一般作为名词使用,如在hunting(n. 狩猎, 猎狐, 探求\n[计] 寻找平衡; 寻找)、for a season(一会儿)、in season(当令, 及时, 及早)等常见短语中出现较多。

huntingn. 狩猎, 猎狐, 探求\n[计] 寻找平衡; 寻找
for a season一会儿
in season当令, 及时, 及早
on season[网络] 旺季;旅游旺季;季节
season to使适应
season with给…加调料; 添加…使更有趣〔生动〕
the seasonna. 伦敦社交季节[初夏时期]\n[网络] 赛季;季节类;无论什么季节
duck hunting[网络] 猎鸭记;鸭子
drag huntingdrag hunt\n(使猎犬循人工臭迹追踪的)追猎\n(训练猎犬)追猎俱乐部 (=drag)


1. - we are hunting this demon, and maybe it's hunting us too. (翻译:- 我们正在猎捕 这个魔鬼 也许他也会来杀我们)

2. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. (翻译:凡事皆有定期 To every thing there is a season, 天下万务皆有定时 and a time to every purpose under heaven.)

3. The all-time single season rushing record in your second year. (翻译:创下的单赛季冲锋记录 the all -time single season rushing record in your second year.)

4. Missouri is the first state to allow use of an atlatl in its hunting season cycle. (翻译:密苏里是第一个允许在狩猎季节使用梭标投射器的州。)

5. Exactly like a hunting knife. (翻译:应该说就是猎刀 Exactly like a hunting knife.)

6. Which is strange after a 102-win season. (翻译:Which is strange after a 1 02 -win season. 这在102胜的球季之后有点奇怪)

7. The rainy season triggers a spectacular event. (翻译:The rainy season triggers a spectacular event. 雨季触发了一场奇观)

8. It's nothing, really. Just something I keep for the hunting season. (翻译:这没什么,真的,就是我为狩猎季节 准备的一些东西)

9. You know the hunting season's been over for three months? (翻译:你知道狩猎季三个月前就结束了? 关你什么事?)

10. For now, hunting is impossible. (翻译:For now, hunting is impossible. 而现在 捕猎是不可能的)

11. Ha. Yeah, I been hunting with Jo. (翻译:I been hunting with Jo.)

12. It's just if you're hunting out of season, we're gonna have to report you. (翻译:如果你们在非狩猎时间狩猎,我们要举报你们)

13. Because it was gonna be an awesome season. (翻译:因为那一季不容错过啊 Because it was gonna be an awesome season.)

14. - Still hunting that Wraith? (翻译:还在猎杀那个死灵吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Still hunting that wraith?)

15. And, Howard, your favorite fruit is in season. (翻译:霍华德 你最爱的水果正当季呢 And, Howard, your favorite fruit is in season.)


hunting season作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、hunting、seasons等。
