dina是什么意思 dina的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-11 21:04:35凉辰梦瑾°



dina是什么意思 dina的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Dina是我的妹妹。 (Dina is my younger sister.)

2. 我们去了Dina的家。 (We went to Dina's house.)

3. Dina的生日聚会很开心。 (Dina's birthday party was fun.)

4. Dina正在学习法语。 (Dina is learning French.)

5. Dina和她的朋友们去了海边。 (Dina and her friends went to the beach.)

6. Dina是一位出色的画家。 (Dina is an excellent painter.)

7. Dina喜欢听音乐和看电影。 (Dina likes to listen to music and watch movies.)

8. 我们和Dina一起去了公园。 (We went to the park with Dina.)

9. Dina非常善良和友好。 (Dina is very kind and friendly.)


读音:d n





例句:I don't like saying this, but you're still running after Dina like a puppy. (我不想这么说 但你还是像条小狗一样跟在Dina身后)


例句:Dina and I have been trying to have a kid for a long time, and be... between artificial insemination, in vitro and fertility treatments... we spent all of our money, and the last of it went... (一直以来 Dina和我都想要个孩子 我们试过人工授精 试管婴儿 不孕治疗)


dina一般作为名词使用,如在Kuwait Dina(科威特第纳尔(科威特货币单位))等常见短语中出现较多。

Kuwait Dina科威特第纳尔(科威特货币单位)


1. Do you want to be running after Dina when she's a granny herself, with ten grandchildren by five different men? (翻译:你想追在她后面一直到她变成别人的外婆吗 和五个不同的男人有十个孙子的时候)

2. Dina Katabi: Yeah, this is a very important question, of course, like, what about misuse, or what about, I guess you could say, about the Dark Side of the Force? (翻译:迪娜 卡塔比:“对,这确实是 一个非常重要的问题, 就像如果有人滥用, 或是,像黑暗原力?“ )

3. Dina's asking if we want to celebrate New Year's with her Spanish friends. (翻译:Dina问我们要不要去和她的西班牙朋友一起过新年)

4. Dina lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation. (翻译:黛娜点燃了一支烟,试图掩饰她的不安。)

5. Yes, sir. How about Dina Colada made with white rum. (翻译:有,先生,您看“椰树甘露”如何?是白朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠萝。)

6. Where's Dina Bryant and her children? (翻译:Dina Bryant和她的孩子在哪里?)

7. Okay, I'll stay with Candi, and Dina can stay with Valerie. (翻译:好,我将停留 借由 Candi, 而且第纳罐子 在瓦莱丽家逗留。)

8. Here we have the fingerprints of the maid, Dina De Filippo. (翻译:这是那里的女佣的指纹 她叫Dina De Filippo)

9. Well, I'll tell you, Dina, it's a lot of responsibility on my plate. (翻译:让我这样说吧 迪娜... 再多的重担压力...)

10. Hi, I'm Roz Focker you must be Jack, and you must be Dina. (翻译:你好 我是萝丝・福克尔 你一定是杰克吧 你肯定是迪娜了)

11. Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael, while her mother and Michael's ex-wife Dina was in New York. (翻译:而根据知情人士的话说,与父亲的会面时林赛-罗汉自己的意思,而她的母亲,迈克尔的前妻――蒂娜当时人在纽约。)

12. Dina can sample all the Mr. Right Nows. (翻译:第纳能抽取样品所有的 立刻的先生。)

13. He was gonna kill me, just like he killed Dina and everyone else. (翻译:他要杀我, 仅仅喜欢他杀第纳 而且其他人。)

14. All I'm saying is, a few minutes of concentrated work with him and Dina, she could get him to blow like Krakatoa. (翻译:我要说的是 只要几分钟专心的 迪娜就能让他)

15. Dina was there too and Philipp only danced with her all the time. (翻译:Dina也在那儿 Philipp从头到尾只跟她一个人跳舞)


