pensioner是什么意思 pensioner的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-18 23:02:46乱人心

pensioner是什么意思 pensioner的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 释义:pensioner通常指退休的老年人,他们收到养老金或福利。在某些情况下,pensioner也可以指退休。

2. 词性:名词

3. 用法:通常作为主语或名词性的定语

4. 同义词:retiree, senior citizen

5. 引申义:在英国,pensioner还可以指退役或陆军退休军官。


1. The government has increased the pension for pensioners over 70 years old.增加了xx岁以上退休老年人的养老金。

2. Many pensioners rely on the state pension as their main income.许多退休者依赖国家养老金作为主要收入来源。

3. The local council provides discounted rates for pensioners to travel on public transport.地方为退休老人提供乘坐公共交通工具的折扣率。

4. The Royal British Legion provides support for ex-servicemen and women and their partners, widows, and dependents.皇家英团为退役及其配偶、寡妇和家属提供支持。

5. The local army barracks has a pensioner's club where retired military personnel can socialize and partite in activities.当地的军营设有一个退休俱乐部,退役可以在那里社交和参加活动。





1. Many pensioners struggle to make ends meet.


2. The government provided some financial istance to the pensioners.





例句:Plucking up courage, the man approaches the pensioner. (年轻人鼓了鼓勇气,走近两位可敬的老人。)


例句:She was, I believe, for a time a servant or else a kind of pensioner of some relations of my own. (我相信,她曾经是我某个亲戚家的女佣或是家仆。)


例句:"As a pensioner, I get seen immediately," he says. (“作为一名领养老金的人,我立即得到了治疗,”他说。)


例句:So, what you're telling me is this escalating violence is down to a vigilante pensioner? (翻译:这么说 你是想告诉我 这起案子是退役的皇家海军老头干的?)


pensioner一般作为名词使用,如在retirement pensioner(靠退休金生活的人;靠养老金生活的人)、old age pensioner([网络] 领退休金者;委婉指老年人;领养老金者)等常见短语中出现较多。

retirement pensioner靠退休金生活的人;靠养老金生活的人
old age pensioner[网络] 领退休金者;委婉指老年人;领养老金者


1. "As a pensioner, I get seen immediately," he says. (翻译:“作为一名领养老金的人,我立即得到了治疗,”他说。)

2. So, what you're telling me is this escalating violence is down to a vigilante pensioner? (翻译:这么说 你是想告诉我 这起案子是退役的皇家海军老头干的?)

3. ARPUTHAM AMMAL, a pensioner with curly silver hair and a wheezing cough, is an abolitionist. (翻译:满头卷曲白发、不时气喘咳嗽的退休金领取人阿普塔姆安马尔是一名主张废除死刑的支持者。)

4. "He's like a child to me, " says one Beijing pensioner of the tiny dog she carries with her at all times. (翻译:“他就像我的小孩一样。”一位靠养老金生活的北京居民说,她随时都带着一只小狗。)

5. M, also a pensioner and a very non-technical computer user, was much less confident about anything to do with computers. (翻译:同样是领养老金的人,穆女士也是一个非常外行的计算机用户,对任何与计算机有关的事都没什么信心。)

6. What a busy little pensioner bee she is. (翻译:多么勤劳的退休小蜜蜂啊 What a busy little pensioner bee she is.)

7. Apparently it was necessary to lock up the pensioner for “preventative custody”: he has been dumped in Tihar jail, Delhi's main prison, for the next seven days. (翻译:显然, 以“预防性拘留”的名义关押这个领取养老金的人已经不可避免:在接下来的7天里,哈扎尔都将被关在新德里最大的——Tihar里。)

8. The British pensioner is in the Guinness Book of Records as the "world's most senior tattooed woman" . (翻译:她以“世界上文身最多的老妇”被载入吉尼斯世界纪录。)

9. Such a package would mean that the Tories, in particular, had to jettison pledges, notably over pensioner freebies. (翻译:这一揽子改革意味着保守党不得不放弃以往的承诺,特别是对领取养老金者的免费午餐。)

10. - A Mr. Boblig of Edelstadt. - But he's a pensioner, he never finished his studies. (翻译:-来自Edelstadt 的 Boblig先生 .)

11. So, Carl... killing a pensioner, it must have been hard work for ya. (翻译:所以 Carl... 杀害一个退休工人 对你来说不容易吧)

12. I understand things are going rather slowly with the stabbing of the pensioner? (翻译:我明白 那起老人被害案的进展很缓慢是吧?)

13. Apparently it was necessary to lock up the pensioner for “preventative custody”: he has been dumped in Tihar jail, Delhi’s main prison, for the next seven days. (翻译:显然, 以“预防性拘留”的名义关押这个领取养老金的人已经不可避免 :在接下来的7天里,哈扎尔都将被关在新德里最大的——Tihar里。)


