zeng是什么意思 zeng的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-23 16:14:42幻阳


zeng是什么意思 zeng的中文翻译、读音、例句







1. 增加 (zng ji) - increase

美国的贸易逆差不断增加。(Migu de moy nch bdun zngji.)

The trade deficit of the United States continues to increase.

2. 曾经 (cng jng) - once

他曾经是一名演员。(T cngjng sh y mng ynyun.)

He was once an actor.

3. 赠送 (zng sng) - give as a present

我们公司准备给员工赠送一些礼品。(Wmen gngs zhnbi gi yungng zngsng y xi lpn.)

Our company is planning to give some gifts to the employees.

4. 增长 (zng zhng) - growth

这个小镇的人口在不断增长。(Zhge xiozhn de rnku zi bdun zngzhng.)

The population of this town is growing steadily.

5. 增值 (zng zh) - appreciation

这套房子在最近的几年里增值了许多。(Zh to fngzi zi zujn de j nin l zngzhle xdu.)

This house has appreciated a lot in the past few years.

6. 曾经历 (cng jng l) - have gone through

我曾经历了许多挫折,从未放弃。(W cngjnglle xdu cuzh, dn w cng wi fngq.)

I have gone through many setbacks

7. 责任 (z rn) - responsibility

他不愿意承担这个责任。(T b yuny chngdn zhge zrn.)

He is not willing to take responsibility for this.




1. Số lợng ngời ến thm cng vin zeng ln ng kể trong nm nay. (公园的游客数量在今年大大增加。)

2. Doanh thu của cng ty ợc zeng ln một nửa so với cng kỳ nm trớc. (公司的收入同比去年增长了一半。)

3. Với việc sử dụng cng nghệ tin tiến, hiệu quả sản xuất của nh my zeng ln rất nhanh chng. (借助先进的技术,工厂的生产效率迅速提高。)

4. Sức mua của ngời dn zeng ln trong thng vừa qua do sự giảm gi mạnh mẽ của cc sản phẩm. (由于产品的大幅折扣,人们的购买力在过去一个月里有所提高。)

5. Trong khi gi trị của ồng tiền giảm, gi trị của vng lại zeng ln. (随着货币贬值,黄金的价值则在上涨。)

6. Tnh hnh kinh tế ang trong giai oạn zeng trởng, l c hội tốt ể ầu t. (经济形势正处于增长期,这是一个投资的好机会。)

7. Chng ta cần phải tm cch ể zeng hiệu quả của cng việc. (我们需要想办法提高工作的效率。)

8. Ma thu l thời iểm m lợng khch du lịch ến thnh phố zeng ln. (秋季是游客到城市更多的时候。)

9. Cng với sự zeng nhanh chng của thị ha, chng ta cần phải bảo vệ mi trờng. (随着城市化的迅速增长,我们需要保护环境。)




1. 这个月销售额已经增长了20%。

The sales of this month have increased by 20%.

2. 我们需要增加广告宣传来提高品牌知名度。

We need to increase advertising to improve brand awareness.

3. 这个图表显示了公司的增长量。

The chart shows the company's growth rate.

4. 他把画挂在了墙上。

He hung the painting on the wall.




例句:Miss Zeng came all the way ... and she happens to be Mr. Xiao's girlfriend (曾这么老远来看我 因为她是萧志卿律师生前的女朋友)


例句:Zeng Fanzhi, Untitled, oil on canvas, framed, 2006. (曾梵志《无题》;油画画布,画框;xx年作。)


例句:One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe. (有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把xx年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。)


例句:Zeng Yehui, head of brand management at Gonow, says a state edict pushing consolidation in the car industry influenced the decision to merge. (翻译:吉奥品牌管理主管曾叶辉声称国家推动汽车工业重组的法令影响了吉奥的合并决定。)


zeng一般作为名词使用,如在Zeng Guofan(曾国藩)等常见短语中出现较多。

Zeng Guofan曾国藩


1. One mother, Zeng Liping, told me that teachers had frowned upon her bringing her sixth grader to Europe. (翻译:有一位母亲,曾丽萍,告诉我学校老师们不是很高兴她把xx年级的女儿带来欧洲旅游。)

2. Zeng Yehui, head of brand management at Gonow, says a state edict pushing consolidation in the car industry influenced the decision to merge. (翻译:吉奥品牌管理主管曾叶辉声称国家推动汽车工业重组的法令影响了吉奥的合并决定。)

3. A Third Discussion of "Law of Beauty" and Its Impersonalities ----To Discuss with Prof Zeng Culin Once More (翻译:三论“美的规律”及其客观性问题--与曾簇林教授再商榷)

4. The left ther ing is "the ocean duty exercise" Zuo Zongtang , Zeng Guofan is these persons. (翻译:幸亏有“洋务运动”的左宗棠,曾国藩这些人物。)

5. Fahad agreed with Zeng's comments on bilateral relations and proposals on further developing the friendly cooperation. (翻译:法赫德赞同对两国关系的评价和就进一步发展两国友好合作提出的建议。)

6. Turns out, zeng knows All 1,200 varieties of bamboo... (翻译:我发现 曾知道1200种不同的竹子...)

7. At that time, Zeng Guofan, busy recruiting people for his Westernization drive, issued an invitation to Rong Hong. (翻译:就在这时,曾国藩为了兴办洋务,广泛招聘人才,向容闳发出了邀请。)

8. "I sat down with the nurses to take a break after this long day, and I asked them if they were scared, " wrote Zeng. (翻译:经过长长的一天,我坐下来休息一会,我问旁边的护士,他们怕不怕。)

9. As the eldest son of Zeng Guofan, the main minister in the late Qing dynasty, Zeng Jize was given a strict education when he was young. (翻译:作为晚清重臣曾国藩的长子,他自幼便受到家父的严格教育。)

10. About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son. (翻译:就在二个多月前,曾母收养了一只流浪猫阿咪,希望小猫能陪伴卧病在床的儿子。)

11. At the time of Lee Yin source has been quiet for nearly seven hundred years, in the long years, Yin received packet's source and ZengShi group two, and Zeng Bao's just not clear priorities. (翻译:李氏在尹源的时光中已经静静流淌了近七百年,在长长的岁月中,尹源收纳了包氏和曾氏二族,只是包氏与曾氏分不清孰先孰后。)

12. This is online map of the address "Zeng Feng Xiang , Linhe District, Bayan Nur City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市临河区增丰巷”匹配的在线电子地图。)

13. By the way, Uncel Zeng wrote a lyric for ME! (翻译:顺带一提,曾叔叔为我作了词! )

14. Alencar agreed with Zeng's comments on bilateral relations and his suggestions on furthering such ties. (翻译:阿伦卡尔赞同对巴中关系的评价和进一步发展两国关系的建议。)

15. Zeng Yike became famous overnight for her self-composed songs as well as her "sheep voice" in the talent contest. (翻译:曾轶可在选秀比赛中不仅因她的“绵羊音”,也因为她的自创歌曲而一夜成名。)


