seawater是什么意思 seawater的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 02:10:42难再遇

seawater是什么意思 seawater的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 基本含义:Seawater是指海水,是指地球表面上覆盖着的海洋中所含的水。


- Seawater is salty because it contains dissolved minerals from the earth's crust.(海水含有来自地壳中溶解的矿物质,因此味道咸咸的。)

- The seawater off the coast of California is rich in nutrients, which support a diverse marine ecosystem.(加利福尼亚海岸的海水富含营养物质,这些物质支持着多样化的海洋生态系统。)

2. 化学组成:Seawater的化学组成主要包括水分子、盐类、微生物、氧气、氮气等。


- Seawater is composed of about 96.5% water and 3.5% dissolved salts.(海水由大约96.5%的水和3.5%的溶解盐组成。)

- The chemical composition of seawater varies depending on location, depth, and other factors.(海水的化学组成因地点、深度等因素而异。)

3. 影响因素:Seawater的性质和特征受到多种因素的影响,如温度、盐度、深度和压力等。


- The salinity of seawater increases with depth due to the concentration of dissolved salts.(由于溶解盐的浓度增加,海水的盐度随深度增加。)

- Seawater temperature varies with latitude and oceanic currents.(海水温度随纬度和洋流的变化而变化。)

4. 生态环境:Seawater是许多海洋生物生存的环境,也是整个地球生态系统的重要组成部分。


- The coral reefs in the tropical regions are highly dependent on the quality of the surrounding seawater.(热带地区的珊瑚礁高度依赖周围海水的质量。)

- Pollution and climate change can have negative impacts on the health of seawater ecosystems.(污染和气候变化可能会对海洋生态系统的健康产生负面影响。)

5. 应用和利用:Seawater有许多应用和利用价值,比如食盐、淡化饮用水、海水浴等。


- Salt is often harvested from seawater through a process called evaporation.(食盐通常通过蒸发方法从海水中收获。)

- Desalination technologies can be used to produce freshwater from seawater for drinking and irrigation purposes.(淡化技术可用于从海水中生产淡水,用于饮用和灌溉等用途。)

seawater的中文翻译为海水,读音为 [siwt]。


1. The seawater was crystal clear and blue.


2. The seawater is rich in minerals and is beneficial for health.


3. The pollution in the seawater has been causing harm to marine life.





例句:Desalinized seawater flows through the intake. (- Where does the water come from? - Desalinized seawater flows through the intake.)


例句:And there's just about every element of the periodic table in seawater. (几乎化学周期表上的所有元素 都能从海水里获得)


例句:Due to extreme evaporation, it's saltier than seawater and virtually lifeless. (由于极端的蒸发, 比海水更咸, 几乎没有生命。)


例句:Of all the effable nonsense, turning seawater into gasoline. (翻译:将海水转化成燃料 是我听说过的最最荒诞的事情)


seawater一般作为名词使用,如在dilution of seawater([网络] 海水淡化)、entropies of seawater(海水的熵)、elements in seawater(海水元素)等常见短语中出现较多。

dilution of seawater[网络] 海水淡化
entropies of seawater海水的熵
elements in seawater海水元素
fluorescence of seawater海水的萤光
nitrate in seawater海水硝酸盐;海水中硝酸盐
phosphate in seawater海水磷酸盐
pollution of seawater水污染
raw seawater未处理海水,未净化海水
salinity of seawater海水盐度


1. Due to extreme evaporation, it's saltier than seawater and virtually lifeless. (翻译:由于极端的蒸发, 比海水更咸, 几乎没有生命。)

2. Of all the effable nonsense, turning seawater into gasoline. (翻译:将海水转化成燃料 是我听说过的最最荒诞的事情)

3. We're looking at a side view of the same coral as before, where the protective layer meets the seawater; so, seawater on your right, coral on your left. (翻译:我们看到的是先前珊瑚的侧面, 保护层与海水衔接的地方; 那么,海水在右边 珊瑚在左边。)

4. They will float in seawater, but unfortunately do not get recycled under the bottle bills. (翻译:它们会漂浮在海面上 不幸的是,瓶盖并不在退瓶法的回收名单中)

5. QDA, which was isolated from seawater, has the ability of yielding alginate. (翻译:QDA是从海水中发现的产生褐藻多糖的细菌,无致病性。)

6. It is very sensitive to vibrations, to sound energy traveling through the seawater. (翻译:它对震动和海水中传播的声波都非常敏感。)

7. Their answer was to spray seawater on the clouds. (翻译:他们的答案是把海水喷到云层上。)

8. In fact, they naturally improve water quality, filtering it as they feed off of sunlight and nutrients in the seawater. (翻译:事实上,它们自然地改善了水质, 它们从海水中摄取阳光 和养分的同时,也过滤了海水。)

9. So seawater reverse osmosis is a membrane-filtration technology. (翻译:海水反向过滤是一种使用隔膜过滤的技术。海水反向过滤是一种使用隔膜过滤的技术。)

10. Simply add a duct kit, seawater circulation pump, and a Universal Seawater kit, and you are ready to begin installing your unit. (翻译:只要装上一个输送管设备,海水循环泵和一个整体式海水设备,你就可以准备好开始安装你的系统了。)

11. The key issue is whether desalinating enough seawater would be affordable, Anthes adds. (翻译:关键问题是,我们是否能够负担的起淡化海水的巨大费用,安塞斯补充说。)

12. And we can make up the difference through a combination of stormwater harvesting and seawater desalination. (翻译:我们可以综合利用 雨水收集和海水淡化。)

13. In the afternoon, there are some vortexes under the seawater, which people can't see. (翻译:午后,海水下游很多漩涡,这是人们看不到的。)

14. People will drink recycled rain and seawater. (翻译:人们将饮用回收的雨水和海水。)

15. It is obtained from seawater and brines or salt beds. (翻译:溴的主要来源是海水和盐床。)


