bauer是什么意思 bauer的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 10:20:42苦恋伊

1. 词释: Bauer 可解释为一个姓氏,如 Bauer Hockey、Bauerfeind、Bauer Corporation等。

bauer是什么意思 bauer的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 发音: Bauer 的发音为/bar/。

3. 用法: Bauer 一般作为名词或者品牌名称使用,常用于体育和工业领域。

4. 相关联想: Bauer 是一个德国姓氏,也有可能是来自荷兰或英国。同时,Bauer 还可以引起人们对于冰球和工业设备的联想。

5. 常用例句:

- My friend's last name is Bauer.

- Bauer Hockey is a top brand in the hockey equipment industry.

- Bauerfeind is a company that produces orthopedic braces and supports.

- Bauer Corporation is a manufacturer of industrial equipment.

- The Bauer Nexus 2N Pro is a popular hockey stick among professionals.

- 我朋友的姓氏是 Bauer。

- Bauer Hockey 是冰球装备行业的顶级品牌。

- Bauerfeind 是一家生产矫形支架和支撑器的公司。

- Bauer Corporation 是一家工业设备制造商。

- Bauer Nexus 2N Pro 是职业选手中流行的冰球棍。


读音:bu r


1. Bauer们为了保护作物,每天都要起早贪黑地工作。

The Bauers work hard from dawn till dusk every day to protect their crops.

2. 在德国,Bauer这个姓氏是非常普遍的。

In Germany, the surname Bauer is very common.




例句:What Bauer told the President today explains everything that he's done. (Bauer对总统说的话 解释了他今天的所作所为)


例句:Mr. Bauer,we did our best.He didn't make it. (Bauer先生 我们尽力了 但没能把他救活)


例句:- You'll be better utilized debriefing Mr. Bauer. (我认为你能更好地利用Bauer先生的简报)


例句:CIA is patching us into a call with Jack Bauer. (翻译:中情局把Jack Bauer的电话接进来了)


bauer一般作为名词使用,如在Bauer(鲍尔 德语姓氏)、eddie bauer([网络] 艾迪堡;埃迪鲍尔;艾迪鲍尔)、georg bauer([网络] 乔格包耳;鲍尔)等常见短语中出现较多。

Bauer鲍尔 德语姓氏
eddie bauer[网络] 艾迪堡;埃迪鲍尔;艾迪鲍尔
georg bauer[网络] 乔格包耳;鲍尔
Jack Bauer[网络] 包杰克;杰克鲍尔;反恐英雄杰克鲍尔


1. - You'll be better utilized debriefing Mr. Bauer. (翻译:我认为你能更好地利用Bauer先生的简报)

2. CIA is patching us into a call with Jack Bauer. (翻译:中情局把Jack Bauer的电话接进来了)

3. This is your announcer, Jim Bauer. (翻译:This is your announcer, Jim Bauer.)

4. Mr. President, Jack Bauer was telling the truth. (翻译:总统阁下 Jack Bauer说的是事实)

5. I have Jack Bauer on live comm link. (翻译:失陪了 先生们 Jack Bauer在线)

6. This isn't about Bauer, this is about Adam. (翻译:这不是Bauer的问题 是Adam的问题)

7. President Heller has enlisted Bauer's help in the current terrorist situation. (翻译:Heller总统需要Bauer的帮助 来应对当前的恐怖袭击)

8. Mr. Bauer, Brian Hastings. (翻译:Bauer先生 我是Brian Hastings)

9. I looked into the protocol of handing Bauer over to the Russians. (翻译:我浏览了一下把Bauer移交给俄罗斯的协议)

10. Chief Inspector Helen McCarthy. You must be Bauer. (翻译:Helen McCarthy总督察 你一定是Bauer吧)

11. This is Jack Bauer. I need you to patch me through to Audrey Boudreau. (翻译:我是Jack Bauer 麻烦接下Audrey Boudreau)

12. Jack Bauer knew the risks, now David you have got to make this decision as if that wasn't Jack Bauer on that helicopter. (翻译:杰克鲍尔知道这是危险的 现在,大卫,你必须做出决定, 就当杰克鲍尔不在那架飞机上一样)

13. - I got a flight to catch. (翻译:- 不 Bauer先生... - 我还要赶飞机)

14. You have keys to Mr. Bauer's apartment, don't you, Mr. Kuney? (翻译:你有Bauer先生房间的钥匙吧 Kuney先生?)

15. Mr. Bauer, we have to explore all possibilities. (翻译:Bauer先生 我们必须考虑到所有的可能性)
