spreaded是什么意思 spreaded的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-24 16:34:46难相拥



spreaded是什么意思 spreaded的中文翻译、读音、例句



- The news of the accident spread quickly throughout the town.(事故的消息迅速传遍了整个城镇。)

- The disease has spread to several neighboring countries.(疾病已经传到了几个邻国。)

- The fire spread rapidly, destroying several buildings.(火势迅速蔓延,烧毁了几栋建筑。)

2. 动词spread还可以表示“摆开”、“铺开”,常常用于描述食物、衣服等物品的摆放。


- She spread the tablecloth on the table and began to set the dishes.(她把桌布铺在桌子上,开始摆盘。)

- He spread jam on the toast and took a bite.(他在土司上涂了果酱,咬了一口。)

- She spread her arms wide and welcomed me with a hug.(她张开双臂,拥抱着欢迎我。)

3. 名词spread可以表示“一份盛情”或“一桌丰盛的食物”,用于形容慷慨和丰富。


- The hotel provided us with a wonderful breakfast spread every morning.(酒店每天早上为我们提供美味的早餐。)

- He laid out a generous spread of snacks and drinks for his guests.(他为客人准备了丰盛的小吃和饮料。)

- The company CEO put on a spread of champagne and hors d'oeuvres to celebrate the new product launch.(公司CEO为新产品发布会提供了香槟和开胃菜来庆祝。)


1. Rumors about the celebrity spread like wildfire on social media.(有关名人的谣言在社交媒体上迅速传播。)

2. He spread the blanket on the gr and lay down to enjoy the sunshine.(他在草地上铺好毯子,躺下享受阳光。)

3. The chef prepared a sumptuous spread of dishes for the wedding reception.(厨师为婚礼接待准备了一桌丰盛的菜肴。)

4. The virus has spread to all parts of the world and caused a global pandemic.(病毒已经传到了全球各地,引发了全球性的大流行)。

5. She spread her hands wide and gestured toward the beautiful scenery in front of her.(她张开双手,指向她面前的美丽景色。)





1. The virus has spread rapidly in the community. (病毒在社区中迅速传播。)

2. She spread the er on the toast. (她在面包片上涂抹黄油。)

3. The branches of the tree were spread out towards the sky. (树枝向天空展开。)

4. The news spread like wildfire through the town. (消息在整个小镇迅速传开。)

5. She spread the blanket over the gr and sat down to enjoy the sunshine. (她把毯子铺在草地上,坐下来享受阳光。)




例句:A wide stretch of land spreaded in front of us. (我们面前是一片广阔的土地。)


例句:Through these studies, the study of rough set's algebraic properties are spreaded to right involution groupoid. (这些结果将粗糙集代数性质的研究扩展到右对合广群这个代数系统中。)


例句:Scolytidae is one of the most important insect populations of the forestry and spreaded abroad by international trade. (小蠹是最重要的森林蛀干害虫之一,由于危害极其隐蔽,被认为是通过国际贸易传播最为普遍的一类昆虫。)


例句:And strong connection is not spreaded to strong connected brance. (翻译:而且,强连通无法推广到强连通分支。)


1. Scolytidae is one of the most important insect populations of the forestry and spreaded abroad by international trade. (翻译:小蠹是最重要的森林蛀干害虫之一,由于危害极其隐蔽,被认为是通过国际贸易传播最为普遍的一类昆虫。)

2. And strong connection is not spreaded to strong connected brance. (翻译:而且,强连通无法推广到强连通分支。)

3. Narrative poems in female script are the poems spreaded orally far and wide among Jiangyong women which are recorded by female script. (翻译:女书叙事诗是在江永女性之间口头流传的民间叙事诗歌。)

4. Greka has fully spreaded its commercial strategic layout in Beijing, Shanghai, Henan, Shanxi, Anhui and Jiangxi etc. (翻译:格瑞克的商业战略布局已经在北京、上海、河南、山西、安徽、江西等地区全面展开。)

5. In Gansu area there's such non-block long sword spreaded, and the scabbard is relative to ataman Dao. (翻译:甘肃一带藏区有流传这种无挡长刀,鞘把与哥沙克刀有渊源。)

6. It is of fixed practical spreaded value. (翻译:具有一定的实用推广价值。)

7. With the Sanda competition lashed both in and abroad, Sanda is quickly spreaded and popularized all over the world. (翻译:随着国内外散打赛事如火如荼的展开,散打在全世界得到迅速推广和普及。)

8. Anli was suitable to be spreaded in local. (翻译:安栗1号适宜在当地推广种植。)

9. Sense: being absorbed as soon as being spreaded, it can frap the skin to be elasticity and smooth as silk. (翻译:使用感觉:一抹就吸收,肌肤马上紧致而富有弹性,如绢丝般的触感。)

10. Memetic is cultural genetic, which is spreaded by means of copy and imitation. (翻译:模因是文化基因,通过复制、模仿而传播。)
