repay是什么意思 repay的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-29 11:18:45泪嗝

repay是什么意思 repay的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词释


2. 用法搭配

'repay'通常与'loan'、'debt'、'favor'等词搭配使用,构成'repay a loan'(偿还贷款)、'repay a debt'(归还债务)、'repay a favor'(回报恩惠)等习惯用语。此外,'repay'也可以与副词搭配使用,表示不同的程度和方式,如'repay quickly'(迅速偿还)、'repay in kind'(以同样的方式回报)等。

3. 同义词辨析


4. 语法用法


- She repaid the money she owed him last week.(上周她偿还了她欠他的钱。)

- He promised to repay the favor someday.(他许诺有一天会回报这个恩惠。)

- The bank demands that she repay the loan by the end of the month.(银行要求她在月底前偿还贷款。)

- The company is willing to repay the customers for the faulty products.(公司愿意为有问题的产品向顾客偿付赔偿。)

- The kindness we received cannot be repaid in money.(我们得到的恩惠不能以金钱补偿。)

5. 词源历史


翻译:repay 可以翻译为“偿还”,“报答”。



1. I promised to repay the loan by the end of the year. (我承诺在年底前偿还贷款。)

2. He wanted to repay his debt of gratitude to his mentor. (他想要报答他的导师的恩情。)

3. It's important to repay kindness with kindness. (以德报德十分重要。)

4. She was determined to repay her parents for all their sacrifices. (她决心要报答父母为她所做的一切牺牲。)

repay通常被翻译为"偿还 、付还"的意思,作为动词时有"回报"的意思,发音是[ri'pei],repay在英语中经常以动词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到48个与repay相关的例句。



例句:I hereby order you to repay Mrs Rafferty ten shillings and sixpence. (我在此命令你偿还拉夫特夫人 十先令又六便士)


例句:And since mortgages took decades to repay, lenders were careful. (因为抵押贷款需要几xx年去偿还 放贷者都很小心谨慎)


例句:I shall repay the loyalty of the people with my life. (我会用我的生命报答的忠诚。I shall repay the loyalty of the people with my life.)


例句:I want to graduate, find a good job, and repay my Grandpa. (翻译:想大学毕业后进个好的公司 就把爷爷接过来)


repay一般作为动词使用,如在repay a debt([法]还债; 还账)、repay an obligation(报恩)、repay in kind(以货代钱;以同样手段回敬;以其人之道还治其人之身)等常见短语中出现较多。

repay a debt[法]还债; 还账
repay an obligation报恩
repay in kind以货代钱;以同样手段回敬;以其人之道还治其人之身
loan repay ability贷款偿还能力


1. I shall repay the loyalty of the people with my life. (翻译:我会用我的生命报答的忠诚。I shall repay the loyalty of the people with my life.)

2. I want to graduate, find a good job, and repay my Grandpa. (翻译:想大学毕业后进个好的公司 就把爷爷接过来)

3. I repay my debts. Now... lets hurry. (翻译:瞷近毕㏑瞷笆翴)

4. I can never repay your many kindnesses to me. (翻译。)

5. If the olders, no ability to repay, basically is the way for death. (翻译:如果都是老年了,没有了偿还能力,基本上是死路一条。)

6. A certain percentage of people could not repay their previous loans, and could not take out new loans to repay the old ones. (翻译:一定比例的人无法偿还以前的贷款, 拿不到新贷款偿还旧的)

7. Sir, even animals will pull out all their fur to repay for gratitude. (翻译:大人 不会说话的禽兽 都会把自己毛都拔下来 给恩人做衣服)

8. I'II repay your $100,000 loan in 100 installments. (翻译:我欠你十万,分一百期摊还 每期还一千,好不好?)

9. Are you going to repay kindness with evil? (翻译:你是要来用如此的方式 报答我的仁慈吗?)

10. Part of their earnings goes to repay the cost of jailing them. (翻译:他们收入的一部分用来支付“监禁”他们的费用。)

11. Your bank can't repay the full 5.000. (翻译:如果这件事一开始就由我接手, 我是不会让史密斯先生贸然过来的。)

12. We need some guarantee that you will repay the loan (翻译:我们需要一些你将来能归还贷款的保证 We need some guarantee that you will repay the loan)

13. Riccardo, this is no way to repay my trust in you. (翻译:里卡多,你不该得到我们给你的爱 你没有回报我对你的信任)

14. And I want to repay you by helping you grow up. (翻译:在我养育你的过程中... 我也助你成长了.)

15. Because that is my revenge, to repay him for leaving me alive after the treachery. (翻译:这是我的报复... 因为他让我变成了一个背信弃义的人)


