ballet是什么意思 ballet的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 11:16:47亡心人

ballet是什么意思 ballet的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:名词

2. 词义:芭蕾舞,一种起源于意大利的舞蹈艺术,以优美的身体姿态、独特的舞蹈技巧和配合音乐等因素为特点。

3. 常用场景:剧院、舞蹈学校、表演艺术活动、文化交流等。

4. 词组搭配:

- ballet company:芭蕾舞团

- ballet dancer:芭蕾舞者

- ballet master:舞蹈大师

- ballet ss:芭蕾舞鞋

- ballet cl:芭蕾舞课

- ballet movement:芭蕾舞步

5. 相关短语:

- en pointe:在脚尖上跳舞的芭蕾舞姿势

- pli:芭蕾舞的弯腰动作

- pas de deux:两人共舞的芭蕾舞

- tutu:芭蕾舞演员穿的短裙

6. 发音拼写:[b'le]



用法:Ballet is a beautiful and complex dance form.


1. Le ballet est un art exigeant en termes de technique et de prparation physique. (芭蕾舞是一门在技术和身体准备方面要求高的艺术。)

2. Le tutu est un vtement traditionnel port par les danseuses de ballet. (芭蕾舞者穿的图图裙是一种传统服装。)

3. Le mouvement lent et gracieux des bras est une caractristique de la danse de ballet. (慢动作的优美臂式是芭蕾舞的一个特点。)

4. Le ballet est souvent accompagn de musique clique en direct. (芭蕾舞常常伴随现场古典音乐演奏。)

5. Les danseurs de ballet doivent tre forts et en bonne condition physique pour excuter les mouvements difficiles. (芭蕾舞者必须身体强壮,身体状况良好才能做出困难的动作。)

6. Le ballet romantique met l'accent sur les motions et les sentiments. (浪漫芭蕾注重情感和感受。)

7. Le ballet clique est bas sur un ensemble de mouvements codifis qui ont t dvelopps au fil des sicles. (古典芭蕾以一系列编码动作为基础,这些动作已经在数百年的发展中得到了发展。)

8. Les danseurs et danseuses de ballet doivent commencer leur formation un jeune ge pour dvelopper leur technique. (芭蕾舞者必须从小就开始训练,才能发展出自己的舞技。)

9. Le ballet moderne est souvent exprimental et cherche repousser les limites de la danse traditionnelle. (现代芭蕾常常是实验性的,并试图超越传统舞蹈的限制。)




1. She has been training in ballet since she was five years old.(她从xx岁开始就一直在接受芭蕾舞训练。)

2. The ballet performance was breathtakingly beautiful.(芭蕾舞表演令人叹为观止地美丽。)

3. He became a fan of ballet after watching a production of Swan Lake.(他在观看了《天鹅湖》的一场演出后成为芭蕾舞的粉丝。)




例句:He's a dancer with the Royal Ballet. (他是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。)


例句:But the ballet from that film is as timeless as the day you and I first saw it. (But the ballet from that film... 但片中的芭蕾歌舞场面 as timeless as the day you and I first saw it.)


例句:Joey, will you come with me to the ballet tonight? (Joey 今晚你能和我一起看芭蕾舞剧吗?)


例句:I want a full rehearsal, ballet, full orchestra.... (翻译:我想来一次完整的排练, 芭蕾舞, 管弦乐队... .)


ballet一般作为名词使用,如在dinner ballet(晚宴芭蕾)、equestrian ballet(骑士芭蕾)、english ballet(英国芭蕾学派)等常见短语中出现较多。

dinner ballet晚宴芭蕾
equestrian ballet骑士芭蕾
english ballet英国芭蕾学派
eugene ballet尤金芭蕾舞团
faust ballet浮士德芭蕾
feld ballet菲尔芭蕾舞团
fencing and ballet击剑与芭蕾
festival ballet节庆芭蕾舞团
hamberg ballet汉堡芭蕾舞团


1. Joey, will you come with me to the ballet tonight? (翻译:Joey 今晚你能和我一起看芭蕾舞剧吗?)

2. I want a full rehearsal, ballet, full orchestra.... (翻译:我想来一次完整的排练, 芭蕾舞, 管弦乐队... .)

3. I always go to the gun range and the ballet. (翻译:我还去射击场 还有看芭蕾 I also go to the gun range and the ballet.)

4. New performances such as taekwondo and ballet have been added. (翻译:像跆拳道和芭蕾舞这样的新表演已经加入。)

5. Physical programs such as running, brachiation, gymnastics, and ballet. (翻译:体能训练比如跑,悬梯,体操和芭蕾训练。)

6. No, I'm just working on the score of my new ballet, (翻译:-并未 正在作我的新芭蕾 红菱艳的音乐创作)

7. And I'm a ballet dancer, but only in my bathroom. (翻译:我还是个芭蕾舞演员 不过我只在我的浴室表演)

8. Is this the right room for Advanced Booty Ballet? (翻译:这里就是Advanced Booty Ballet教室吗?)

9. Mr. Marshall banished you not from the ballet. (翻译:Marshall先生是不会在舞会上赶你走的.)

10. I trained as a ballet dancer. (翻译:我受过做芭蕾舞演员的训练。)

11. Sally likes the ballet, yeah. (翻译:莎莉喜欢芭蕾 Sally likes the ballet, yeah.)

12. Then we went on to the ballet, to see this new girl as Giselle. (翻译:然后我们去看芭蕾舞 去看那位像吉赛尔的新舞者 So then we went on to the Bolshoi, the ballet, to see this new girl as Giselle.)

13. Maybe between doctors and detectives is unusual, but in ballet, is very usual. (翻译:医生和侦探之间可能是不太寻常 不过在芭蕾界 这是家常便饭)

14. Also there'd be someone practicing ballet or lap dance. (翻译:没问题,没有女才有问题 那你别再来烦我)

15. Well, was there any particular aspect of the ballet, which caught your imagination? (翻译:那么,到底是哪一方面的芭蕾... 特别吸引你)
