rc是什么意思 rc的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 13:56:46落雨流殇

rc是什么意思 rc的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to explain the term 'rc' from at least 5 different aspects, and provide 5 examples in English.

1. 'rc' can stand for "remote control", which refers to a device used to operate electronics from a distance.


- Can you p me the rc for the TV?

- I lost the rc for my air conditioner, so I have to turn it on manually.

2. 'rc' can also refer to "radio controlled", which describes objects that can be controlled through radio signals.


- He has a rc airplane that he loves to fly in the park.

- The rc car can go up to 20 mph and has a range of 50 meters.

3. In the field of technology, 'rc' can mean "release candidate", which is a version of software or firmware that is close to being finalized and made available to the public.


- The new version of the app is in the rc stage, and we're testing it for bugs.

- The rc version of the operating system is expected to be available for download next week.

4. 'rc' can also be used as an abbreviation for "Roman Catholic", which refers to the largest Christian denomination in the world.


- My family is rc and we always attend m on Sundays.

- The rc Church has been instrumental in shaping Western civilization.

5. Lastly, 'rc' can stand for "race condition", which describes a software flaw that occurs when two or more processes access the same resource at the same time, leading to unexpected results.


- The program crashed due to a rc caused by a shared memory buffer.

- We need to fix the rc in the code before we can release the software.

RC是Remote Control的缩写,表示遥控器。该词语是英语中的术语,在世界范围内广泛使用,特别在电子、机械设备领域以及家庭等方面使用最为普遍。RC主要用于控制电视、音响等家庭设备。


1. I lost my RC for the TV, now I have to change channels manually.(我把电视的遥控器丢了,现在我只能手动调换频道。)

2. The RC for this toy car can control its speed and direction.(这个玩具车的遥控器可以控制车的速度和方向。)

3. Do you have any spare batteries for the RC?(你有多余的遥控器电池吗?)

4. With the RC, you can easily adjust the volume of the speakers.(借助遥控器,你可以轻松调节音响的音量。)

5. The RC for this drone is very sensitive and requires a lot of practice.(这架无人机的遥控器非常敏感,需要经过很多练习。)

6. The RC plane can perform various tricks in the air.(遥控飞机可以在空中进行各种花样动作。)

7. I always keep the RC for the air conditioner near me.(我总是把空调的遥控器放在离我不远的地方。)

8. The RC car can reach a top speed of 50km/hour.(这辆遥控汽车最高速度可以达到50千米每小时。)

9. The RC helicopter has a built-in camera for taking aerial photos.(这架遥控直升机内置相机,可以拍摄空中照片。)

rc通常指release candidate(发布候选版),是软件开发过程中的一种测试版本。它是软件开发的中间阶段,通常在beta版之后,最终版本之前发布,旨在测试软件以确定是否存在主要错误和缺陷。rc版本通常可供用户下载和测试,但不建议用于生产环境。

读音:[:r si:]


1. The latest version of the software is an rc and should not be used in a production environment.(软件的最新版本是rc版,不建议在生产环境中使用。)

2. The team is working hard to fix the bugs discovered in the rc before releasing the final version.(团队正在努力修复在rc版中发现的错误,在发布最终版本之前。)




例句:In addition, some graphs describing the technical states of the RC beam bridge superstruct… (并从试验及理论计算中获取一些描述梁式RC桥梁上部结构技术状态的数据。)


例句:- I'm busy. I had a busy day myself. 736 Lombard Street, two-storey building. (我今天很,rc.伦巴德街7S6号.2层建栗)


例句:Experience in Remote Control related products such as Wireless Keyboard, Gamepad, Universal Protocols RC Learnable RC. (具备遥控器相关产品诸如无线键盘,游戏手柄,万能遥控器以及学习型遥控器的相关经验。)


例句:Once you have your travel sorted out, you can get your suspension setup dialed in. The M9 will come with the option of a Fox DHX RC4, or for only $50 USD more, a Cane Creek Double Barrel. (翻译:一旦你有你的旅行整理出来,你可以得到你的悬挂设置拨打英寸的M9将带着一个福克斯DHX RC4的选项,或只为50美元以上,一凯恩克里克双桶。)


rc一般作为名词使用,如在RC(红十字, 红十字会\n[计] 遥控, 补码, 远程集中器)、RC asphalt(快固沥青)、rc circuit([电] RC电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

RC红十字, 红十字会\n[计] 遥控, 补码, 远程集中器
RC asphalt快固沥青
rc circuit[电] RC电路
rc constant[电] RC常数
rc coupling[电] RC耦合
rc differentiator[电] RC微分器
rc dividerRC分配器, RC[电压]分配器
rc divuderRC分配器
rc filen. 启动文件\n[网络] 档;扦隅紫
rc filter[电] RC滤波器


1. Experience in Remote Control related products such as Wireless Keyboard, Gamepad, Universal Protocols RC Learnable RC. (翻译:具备遥控器相关产品诸如无线键盘,游戏手柄,万能遥控器以及学习型遥控器的相关经验。)

2. Once you have your travel sorted out, you can get your suspension setup dialed in. The M9 will come with the option of a Fox DHX RC4, or for only $50 USD more, a Cane Creek Double Barrel. (翻译:一旦你有你的旅行整理出来,你可以得到你的悬挂设置拨打英寸的M9将带着一个福克斯DHX RC4的选项,或只为50美元以上,一凯恩克里克双桶。)

3. Objective To determine the active principle and study the content standard for rhizoma of chuanxiong(RC). (翻译:目的对川芎药材有效成分进行鉴别及其含量标准研究。)

4. They may not be quite as cool as George Jetson's suitcase aerocar, but these collapsible RC racers actually exist. (翻译:它们或许不如GeorgeJetson的旅行箱飞行车那般酷,但这些可折叠的遥控器赛车是真实存在的。)

5. So this is basically within the Spring 2.1 RC1 or RC2 timeframe. (翻译:因此时间基本可以确定是在Spring 2.1 RC1和RC2之间。)

6. Use *iehta run mode if the version in use is prior to Selenium-RC 1.0 beta 2, and *iexplore run mode for Selenium-RC 1.0 beta 2 or later. (翻译:如果使用的版本早于 Selenium-RC 1.0 beta 2,请使用 *iehta 运行模式,对于 Selenium-RC 1.0 beta 2 或更晚的版本,使用 *iexplore 运行模式。)

7. We might be able to ship a release candidate in the very near future and the final 1. 1 release by the end of the calendar year. (翻译:我们可能会在不久的将来发布一个RC版本,并在年底发布最终的1.1版本。)

8. Fly a stunt plane in the confines of your room when you take charge of the controls of your RC Thunderbird remote controlled plane. (翻译:你的房间局限飞机的飞行特技,你负责的控制您的钢筋混凝土雷霆鸟遥控飞机。)

9. Katsumi of Team Arai helped bring this technique stateside and is a heavy influence on the RC Drift scene. (翻译:胜队新居带来这一技术在美国和影响力是一个沉重的钢筋混凝土漂移现场。)

10. Measure capacitance value in Farad unit by RC time constant operation. (翻译:用RC时间持续运转来测量法拉单位的电容值。)

11. The result indicates that CMMR can increase the working performance and ultimate load carrying capacity of axial compressed RC members greatly. (翻译:试验结果表明CMMR可以明显地提高混凝土轴压构件的工作性能以及极限承载力。)

12. An experimental study on the flexural performances of SFRC beams replacing composition RC beams (翻译:钢纤维混凝土替代构造配筋混凝土梁受弯性能试验研究)

13. Firefox 3 RC1 can be downloaded from the project website. (翻译:在项目的站点上可以下载Firefox 3 RC1。)

14. RC2 is a block cipher algorithm. (翻译:RC 2是一个块密码算法。)

15. rc. 4 Multiuser startup (runlevel 4), but in X11 with KDM, GDM, or XDM as the login manager. (翻译:多用户启动,在X11中用KDM,GDM,或者XDM作为登录管理器。)
