rapt是什么意思 rapt的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-03-31 18:50:46萌蛋


rapt是什么意思 rapt的中文翻译、读音、例句


常用场景:用于描述人对某件事物或情感的极度关注和投入,例如:rapt attention(全神贯注的注意力)、rapturous applause(热烈的掌声)

词组搭配:rapt look(入迷的表情)、rapt in thought(沉思的)

相关短语:be rapt with admiration(被钦佩所迷住)




1. She was rapt in admiration of the beautiful scenery.(她全神贯注地欣赏着美丽的风景。)

2. The children were rapt with excitement when they saw the fireworks.(孩子们看见烟花的时候兴奋异常。)

3. He was rapt by the melody and forgot everything around him.(他被这个旋律深深吸引,忘记了周围的一切。)

4. The audience was rapt during the entire performance.(观众全程都很入迷。)

5. She was rapt with joy when she saw her long-lost friend.(她见到她失散已久的朋友时,高兴得入迷。)

6. He was completely rapt in the book and lost track of time.(他被这本书深深迷住了,忘记了时间。)

7. The young couple was rapt in each other's company.(年轻夫妇在彼此相处的时候非常投入。)

8. The artist was rapt in his work and ignored everything else.(艺术家全神贯注于他的工作,不顾一切。)

9. The old man was rapt with emotion when he heard the news.(老人听到这个消息后,激动得入迷。)





1. She was rapt in thought and did not notice me.


2. The audience was rapt during the entire performance.


3. The student was rapt as he solved the difficult problem.


4. The painter was so rapt in his work that he didn't even hear the phone ring.





例句:Now in this room with these four disabled musicians, within five minutes a rapt listening, a rapt response and some really insanely beautiful music. (这个屋子里的四位残疾音乐家 将在五分钟内 以全神贯注的倾听和回应 创造令人疯狂的每秒音乐)


例句:Please stop eating for a moment and pay rapt and worshipful attention. (现在,请稍停用餐,大家全神贯注地、敬畏地听我讲。)


例句:Now in this room with these four disabled musicians, within five minutes a rapt listening, a rapt response and some really insanely beautiful music. (这个屋子里的四位残疾音乐家 将在五分钟内 以全神贯注的倾听和回应 创造令人疯狂的每秒音乐 )


例句:The government I cast upon my brother and to my state grew stranger, being transported and rapt in secret studies. (翻译:将政事托付兄弟 渐渐对国事荒疏 沉溺于魔法研究 不能自拔)


rapt一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在in rapt attention(全神贯注地)等常见短语中出现较多。

in rapt attention全神贯注地


1. Now in this room with these four disabled musicians, within five minutes a rapt listening, a rapt response and some really insanely beautiful music. (翻译:这个屋子里的四位残疾音乐家 将在五分钟内 以全神贯注的倾听和回应 创造令人疯狂的每秒音乐 )

2. The government I cast upon my brother and to my state grew stranger, being transported and rapt in secret studies. (翻译:将政事托付兄弟 渐渐对国事荒疏 沉溺于魔法研究 不能自拔)

3. I noticed that everyone was watching me with rapt attention. (翻译:我注意到大家都在专注地望着我。)

4. Mazer conducts rehearsals with rapt attention. (翻译:梅哲全神贯注的排练神态。)

5. Her face rapt, she gazed at the radar images of storm clouds sweeping through the tristate area. (翻译:她全神贯注凝视著风暴横扫纽约、纽泽西、康乃狄格州的雷达影像。)

6. Before that she had attracted rather little national attention beyond the rapt circles of the tea-party movement. (翻译:而之前,她除了是“茶党”圈子的活跃分子,在全国并未引起更多的注意。)

7. sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie. (翻译:安静地坐着,陶醉于音乐;带着着迷的敬意聆听;痴迷于幻想。)

8. Mrs. Trenor fixed a rapt eye upon her. (翻译:特雷诺太太全神贯注地望着她。)

9. Glaucus was the most rapt and the least inclined to break the silence . (翻译:格劳科斯听得非常入神,很不愿意打破这沉默。)

10. She listened to the speaker with rapt attention. (翻译:她全神贯注地听演讲者讲话。)

11. A rapt audience welcoming her with open arms, desperate to connect, hanging onto her every word. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}我恨所有人 有个狂热的读者热烈欢迎她 急切想跟她联络 对她每个字都痴迷不已)

12. Speed and Emotion: Sometimes, the audience seemed rapt attention, and in fact is not the case, may be absent entirely. (翻译:语速与情绪:有时候,听者似乎在全神贯注地倾听,而事实上却并非如此,完全可能心不在焉。)

13. My partner you greet with grace and great prediction that he seems rapt withal. (翻译:你们向我的高贵的同伴致敬 并且预言他未来的尊荣和远大的希望)

14. He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation. (翻译:他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。)

15. Yeah, Barney's right . Let's get this started . What do we have to rapt ? (翻译:是的,巴尼是正确的,让我们开始 我们为什么要捶胸顿足?)
