plastic mould是什么意思 plastic mould的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-04-01 05:20:46放肆笑

1. 定义:plastic mould是一种制造塑料制品的模具,通常由钢或铝制成,可以在加热的塑料中注入空气或液体以创造所需形状。

plastic mould是什么意思 plastic mould的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 用途:plastic mould广泛用于制造各种塑料制品,如汽车零件、玩具、瓶子、管道等。

3. 制造流程:plastic mould的制造通常包括设计、原型制作、模具制造、测试和生产等步骤。

4. 维护和修复:plastic mould在使用中需要定期进行维护和修复,以保证模具的精度和延长使用寿命。


1. This company specializes in the design and manufacture of plastic moulds for automotive parts. (这家公司专门设计和制造汽车零件的塑料模具。)

2. The production of plastic products requires the use of precise plastic molds. (生产塑料制品需要使用精密的塑料模具。)

3. The old plastic mold was repaired and tested before being put back into use. (旧塑料模具经过修复和测试后重新投入使用。)

4. Regular maintenance and cleaning of plastic molds are necessary to ensure their optimal performance. (定期维护和清洁塑料模具是确保其最佳性能的必要条件。)

5. The plastic mold was custom-designed for the client's specific product requirements. (这个塑料模具是根据客户的特定产品要求定制的。)

plastic mould是指塑料模具,用于制造塑料制品。


读音:[plstk mld]


1. The plastic mould is used to make various plastic products. (这个塑料模具用于制造各种塑料制品。)

2. We need to design a new plastic mould to improve efficiency. (我们需要设计一个新的塑料模具来提高效率。)

3. The quality of the plastic product largely depends on the precision of the plastic mould. (塑料制品的质量很大程度上取决于塑料模具的精度。)

plastic mould通常被翻译为"塑料模"的意思,在日常中也代表"塑料模"的意思,在线发音:[plasticmould],plastic mould常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到73个与plastic mould相关的例句。

Plastic mould的中文翻译


例句:♪ a plastic doll with a fresh coat of paint ♪ (# 光鲜亮丽的塑料玩偶 # # a plastic doll with a fresh coat of paint #)


plastic mould一般作为名词使用,如在in the Mould(模具中的)、mould(n. 模子, 模制品, 松软沃土, 霉\nvt. 形成, 浇铸, 用泥土覆盖\nvi. 发霉)、mould into(使成形; 指导…的发展)等常见短语中出现较多。

in the Mould模具中的
mouldn. 模子, 模制品, 松软沃土, 霉\nvt. 形成, 浇铸, 用泥土覆盖\nvi. 发霉
mould into使成形; 指导…的发展
mould on按…模子制造
mould to使合体; 相适应
die mould压铸模
ear mould耳模
dispensable mould一次型


1. business,environment,oceans,plastic,science (翻译:business,environment,oceans,plastic,science)

2. Good for you. No plastic here. (翻译:先生 这里不能刷卡 Dear sir, no plastic here.)

3. Fumo plastic, white latex, pressure, urine aldehyde plastic, ethanol diluted materials, construction plastic, strong plastic, Shuangzufen plastic, furan resins such as plastic manufacturing. (翻译:复膜胶、白乳胶、压敏胶、尿醛胶、乙醇稀料、建筑胶、大力胶、双组份胶、呋喃树脂胶等类制造。)

4. Place serving plate upside down on the top of the mould, invert, shake to loosen and lift off mould. (翻译:将一个盘子放在磨具上方,倒置,轻摇,然后移开磨具。)

5. He could never be accused of fitting the mould. (翻译:他永远都不可能被指责属于这个类型。)

6. He would have had a lot of plastic surgery. (翻译:估计他做过无数次整容手术 He would have had a lot of plastic surgery.)

7. The molten metal is poured into the mould. (翻译:这块熔化了的金属被倒入模子。)

8. ? do you ever feel like a plastic bag ? (翻译:* Do you ever feel like a plastic bag * 你可曾感到自己像个塑胶袋)

9. VPI. Your source for extruded plastic sheet, plastic rollstock and custom plastic extrusion products. (翻译:乙烯基塑料公司提供挤压成型塑料板,传统塑料挤压产品。)

10. The manufacture of PU elastomer liner mould has been introduced. The influence on quality of mould and ceram is also discussed. (翻译:介绍了聚氨酯弹性体用作模具内衬的制作工艺,对模具及陶瓷质量影响因素加以讨论。)

11. Their plastic suits were replaced daily. (翻译:每天更换塑料 Their plastic suits were replaced daily.)

12. That's not a plastic skeleton. (翻译:not a plastic skeleton.)

:// (翻译://

14. Hey, do you want to peel the plastic off with me? (翻译:你要不要跟我一起揭开贴膜 Hey, do you want to peel the plastic off with me?)

15. The Slime Mould Collective membership is self-selecting. (翻译:黏液霉菌团队的队员都是自行选择加入的。)
