acquaintance是什么意思 acquaintance的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-04-01 13:48:47患者无药


acquaintance是什么意思 acquaintance的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:make acquaintance(结交),social acquaintance(社交关系),casual acquaintance(泛泛之交),long-standing acquaintance(多年友谊)

短语:none of your acquaintance(不是你的熟人),have an acquaintance with(有一些了解)



1. I only have a ping acquaintance with the subject, so I can't really give you any expert advice.(我对这个课题只有肤浅的了解,所以无法给您提供什么专业意见。)

2. It's always nice to make new acquaintance, but it takes time for a friendship to develop.(认识新的人总是令人愉快的,但是要想发展成为朋友就需要时间。)

3. She's an old acquaintance of mine, but we haven't seen each other for years.(她是我多年的老朋友,但是我们已经好几年没有见面了。)

4. I have a lot of social acquaintances, but only a few close friends.(我有很多社交关系,但是只有几个亲近的朋友。)

5. After a few conversations, we became better acquainted with each other's work.(经过几次交谈,我们对彼此的工作有了更深入的了解。)




1. He is just an acquaintance, not a close friend. (他只是个熟人,不是亲密的朋友。)

2. I made many new acquaintances at the party last night. (昨晚的聚会上我结识了很多新的熟人。)

3. It's always good to have a wide circle of acquaintances. (拥有广泛的熟人圈总是不错的。)




例句:I chanced upon an acquaintance of sympathetic disposition, I, that is to say, (我碰巧遇到一个 富有同情心的熟人 其实呢)


例句:He exchanged a few words with the proprietor, an old acquaintance of his. (他跟一位业主,他的一位老相识交谈了几句。)


例句:At the time you made the acquaintance of Mrs French, were you employed? (沃尔先生,你认识 弗伦奇太太的时候,有没有工作?)


例句:I don't usually, not on the first acquaintance but you've been such a good sport. (翻译:通常我不会, 至少初次见面时不会... 不过你很讨人喜欢.)


acquaintance一般作为名词使用,如在had acquaintance with(v. 熟悉(认识))、has acquaintance with(vt. 熟悉(认识))、have acquaintance with(vt. 熟悉(认识))等常见短语中出现较多。

had acquaintance withv. 熟悉(认识)
has acquaintance withvt. 熟悉(认识)
have acquaintance withvt. 熟悉(认识)
nodding acquaintancen. 不完整或肤浅的知识,相识不深的人
on first acquaintance[网络] 初次相见时;初次见面时
on further acquaintance认识了一段(较长)时间以后
pick acquaintance with偶然结识[认识]
se acquaintance[网络] 抓住熟人
se acquaintance with(旧)尽力结识


1. At the time you made the acquaintance of Mrs French, were you employed? (翻译:沃尔先生,你认识 弗伦奇太太的时候,有没有工作?)

2. I don't usually, not on the first acquaintance but you've been such a good sport. (翻译:通常我不会, 至少初次见面时不会... 不过你很讨人喜欢.)

3. I urged our old acquaintance, and the drops that we have bled together. (翻译:我向他提起我们过去的交情 我们在一起流淌过的血)

4. The next day, a known prison acquaintance of his, Glen Charlock, is slain... (翻译:第二天 他的狱中旧识 格伦夏洛克 就被杀了)

5. The acquaintance between friends is also Xiangzhi margin! (翻译:朋友间的相识相知也是缘! )

6. But, I may remember him as... ..the most amiable man of my acquaintance. (翻译:可是我会记得他是... 我所认识最和蔼的一个人)

7. You must not judge of him, Miss Dashwood, from your slight acquaintance. (翻译:达什伍德,您一定不要从你们的很浅的交情来判断他。)

8. I made the acquaintance of Sir Francis Tremaine. (翻译:在旅途中, 我遇到了弗朗西斯・特里梅因爵士。)

9. I made the acquaintance of the well-known adventuress. (翻译:我认识了大名鼎鼎的女冒险家。)

10. Is he a neighbor, an acquaintance, a disco pal, someone I know? (翻译:他是邻居,熟人,迪斯科舞伴, 还是我认识的某个人?)

11. It is a pleasure to make her acquaintance. (翻译:很荣幸与她结识 It is a pleasure to make her acquaintance.)

12. I got a call this morning from a banker acquaintance of mine. (翻译:今天早上,我接到一个电话 从一个银行家熟人。)

13. - I'm an acquaintance of Sandra's. (翻译:- 我是Sandra的熟人 - 哦,是吗?)

14. Mr Weathers: That's Mr Oti. He's an acquaintance of an acquaintance of mine. (翻译:那是Oti先生,他是我一个熟人的熟人。——《返老还童》)

15. An e-mail from an old acquaintance, or the head of one of the largest religious institutions in the world slam dunking to "Sweet Georgia Brown." Pick. (翻译:来自老熟人的一封电邮 An e -mail from an old acquaintance, 还是世界上最大机构的领袖 or the head of one of the largest religious institutions)
