dwell是什么意思 dwell的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-04-04 12:31:08°浅晴萝木︷

dwell是什么意思 dwell的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:dwell通常被用作动词,表示“居住”、“停留”、“沉浸在某种心境中”等含义。例如:

- He dwells in a small village in the countryside. (他居住在一个乡村小村庄。)

- Don't dwell too much on your mistakes, just learn from them and move on. (不要过分纠结于你的错误,只要从中吸取教训并继续前行。)

2. 词源和词性变化:dwell源自中古英语的“dwellen”,最初的意思是“点头”、“屈服”等。后来逐渐演变为现在的意思,而它的名词形式是dwelling,形容词形式是dwelling,常常用于描述房屋、建筑物等。例如:

- She loves the old-fashioned style of dwellings in the city center. (她喜欢市中心老式居所的风格。)

- The dwelling place of the tribe was destroyed in the flood. (这个部落的居住地在洪水中被摧毁了。)

3. 用法注意:在口语中,dwell的使用频率有些低,通常更常用替代词如live、reside等。此外,该词也有激烈情感的含义,表示过分忧虑、沉溺于负面情绪等。例如:

- She dwells on every negative comment that people make about her appearance. (她总是对别人对她外貌的负面评论念念不忘。)

- Don't dwell too much on what might go wrong in the future, focus on the present and enjoy it. (不要过分担心未来可能出现的问题,专注于当下并享受它。)


1. She and her family now dwell in a spacious house in the suburbs. (她和家人现在居住在郊区的一栋宽敞房子里。)

2. Past injustices should be acknowledged, but we need to move on rather than dwell on them. (过去的不公应该得到承认,们需要继续前行,而不是沉湎于其中。)

3. The quaint dwelling was surrounded by a beautiful garden, which made it look like something out of a fairy tale. (那个古雅的居所被美丽的花园环绕着,看起来像童话故事中的场景。)

4. The tribe has been dwelling in this area for generations, and they know everything there is to know about the terrain and the wildlife. (这个部落已经在这个地区居住了几代人,他们对地形和野生动物的一切非常熟悉。)

5. His tendency to dwell on negative thoughts was beginning to take a toll on his mental health. (他沉溺于负面思维的倾向开始对他的心理健康产生影响。)



1. They dwell in a small village near the mountains.(他们居住在山脉附近的小村庄。)

2. The building was once used as a factory, but now it has been converted into a residential dwelling.(这座建筑曾经用作工厂,但现在已经改建成住宅。)

3. Don't dwell on your past mistakes, focus on how you can improve in the future.(不要纠结于过去的错误,集中精力思考未来如何提高。)




例句:Let us not dwell any longer and be headed to Lady Hanae's manor. (不要作片刻的停留 马上去华惠夫人的家里 神啊 请听听我的声音)


例句:Why is it not good to dwell on these things? (为什么老说这些事情不好 Why is it not good to dwell on these things?)


例句:That November, we didn't dwell on what we'd lost. (那个xx月,我们没有纠结在我们失去的东西上.)


例句:First, it has been reproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism of despair. (翻译:首先,存在主义曾被指责为诱导人们安于一种绝望的无为主义。)


dwell一般作为动词使用,如在dwell at(居住在…,停留于…)、dwell in(住在(某地); 保留, 存在)、dwell on(细想, 详述)等常见短语中出现较多。

dwell at居住在…,停留于…
dwell in住在(某地); 保留, 存在
dwell on细想, 详述
dwell angle凸轮回转角度
dwell characteristics停留特征
dwell mechanism暂停机构
dwell meter断电器触点闭合角
dwell of cam踏综弧,踏盘静止弧,偏心轮静止弧
dwell on something[网络] 详细论述某事


1. That November, we didn't dwell on what we'd lost. (翻译:那个xx月,我们没有纠结在我们失去的东西上.)

2. First, it has been reproached as an invitation to people to dwell in quietism of despair. (翻译:首先,存在主义曾被指责为诱导人们安于一种绝望的无为主义。)

3. They linger with her, but Peseshet has no time to dwell. (翻译:这些病人在她脑海挥之不去, 但她没有时间总想着这些。)

4. Best not to dwell on these troubling memories. (翻译:最好不要细品这些令人烦恼的回忆了 Best not to dwell on these troubling memories.)

5. He doesn't even dwell on our past waywardness. (翻译:他甚至不纠缠于过去的任性。)

6. Yoshimasa severe tongue-lashing to refuse him, and warned him not to dwell on you. (翻译:义正严辞拒绝了他,并警告他不要纠缠于你。)

7. Here Antarctica's endemic plants dwell: lichens, terrestrial algae, and mosses. (翻译:在这里,生长着南极洲的本地植物:地衣、陆生藻类以及苔藓。)

8. ♪ And heaven shall dwell ♪ (翻译:♪ And heaven shall dwell ♪)

9. Let the companions of him that is not, dwell in his tabernacle, let brimstone be sprinkled in his tent. (翻译:魑魅要住在他的帐幕中,硫磺散布在他的居所之上。)

10. "I'd rather not dwell on the past," he told me. (翻译:“我宁愿不多想过去,”他告诉我。)

11. Granted, katherine wasn't in there to be rescued, But why dwell? (翻译:可是Katherine没在里面等著我救 但又何苦老纠结呢?)

12. You sit out there at Restrepo, and you just dwell about being out there. (翻译:你坐在那里雷斯特雷波, 而你只是停留大约是在那里。)

13. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry and forget to live. (翻译:如果沉迷于梦想而忘记了生活 对你并没有好处)

14. I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on. (翻译:我不让自己去回忆那段会引起我太多痛苦的往事。)

15. I long to dwell in the tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. (翻译:我要永远住在你的帐幕里 我要投靠在你翅膀下的隐密处)


