热情洋溢用英语怎么说 热情洋溢英语翻译

生活学习2024-04-06 05:01:10旧情梦你

热情洋溢英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 ebullience,在常中也可以翻译为"ebullience",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到33个与热情洋溢相关短语释义和例句。

热情洋溢用英语怎么说 热情洋溢英语翻译

16. overflow with enthusia(热情洋溢)

effusive spse ( 热情洋溢惊人之举 )

ebullient letter of thanks ( 一封热情洋溢感谢信 )

16. There were so many ideas, so much enthusia.

16. Guess you're wonden' what Dos was so hot about.

16. Well, i thought it was a very lovely story, and you tell it so well, with such enthusia.

译文:嗯 我觉得那是个很有趣故事 你讲得真好 非常热情洋溢。

16. Aess ruler is Mars, give them the ebullience, full of youthful spit character.


16. Sir John is so genteel and accommodating and he wtes in such a warm and fendly style.

16. Subsequently, general of company of gup of scpts in the new published ebullience speech.


16. - Y'know, i heard yo speech went down like gbusters last night.

16. He was a really keen sailor. And he had this betiful boat.


16. Kere Mae had an extraordinary, incandescent personality.

16. He gave her a warm glowing ile.

16. Tom was just so passionate, and he was so affectionate

16. Elizabeth Hunter, judging by the studio portraits, and the oil painting, had been a betiful, a passionate woman.


16. He was passionate about rything.

16. "A very flatteng offer has been made to me to teach... at a university for the deaf in Washington, D. C.

译文:"有人热情洋溢邀请我" "到一所大学教聋哑人"。

16. Yo enthusia is amazing.
