rupee是什么意思 rupee的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2024-05-01 09:03:48忆萍

rupee是什么意思 rupee的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源:解释单词rupee的来源和历史。

- The word "rupee" comes from the Sanskrit word "rupya", which means "wrought silver". (单词“rupee”的来源是梵语单词“rupya”,意为“制成银”)

- The rupee has been used as the currency of India since the 16th century. (自16世纪以来,印度一直使用卢比作为货币)

2. 货币单位:解释rupee是哪些国家或地区的货币单位。

- The rupee is the official currency of India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius, and the Maldives. (卢比是印度、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔、毛里求斯和马尔代夫的货币单位)

3. 货币符号:描述卢比的符号以及如何使用。

- The symbol for the Indian rupee is ₹. (印度卢比的符号是₹)

- The symbol should be placed before the number, with no space. For example: ₹500. (符号应放在数字前面,没有空格。例如:₹500)

4. 汇率:描述卢比与其他货币之间的汇率。

- As of August 2021, the exchange rate between the Indian rupee and the US dollar is approximately 74 rupees to 1 dollar. (截至xx年xx月,印度卢比兑换美元的汇率约为74卢比兑换1美元)

- The exchange rate between the Sri Lankan rupee and the US dollar is approximately 200 rupees to 1 dollar. (斯里兰卡卢比兑换美元的汇率约为200卢比兑换1美元)

5. 用途:描述卢比在普遍的语境中使用的情况。

- I need to exchange some dollars for rupees before my trip to India. (我需要在去印度之前,将一些美元换成卢比)

- The cost of the hotel room was 5000 rupees per night. (酒店房间的费用是每晚5000卢比)

- She paid for her lunch with a 1000-rupee note. (她用一张1000卢比的钞票支付了她的午餐费用)

- The value of the rupee has been declining against the dollar in recent years. (印度卢比的价值近年来一直在对美元贬值)

- The Sri Lankan government recently announced plans to introduce new 5000-rupee notes. (斯里兰卡最近宣布计划引入新的5000卢比钞票)




1. The cost of the product is 100 rupees.


2. I need to exchange some rupees for dollars before my trip to the US.





例句:The Indian rupee has taken a fall in the foreign exchange market. (印度卢比在外汇市场上下跌。)


例句:India - the rupee has hada strong rally the past 15 months because of strong inflows of foreign investment. (印度——因为外资的强势流入,在过去15个月卢比一直有较强的复苏。)


例句:CA: But if it's a 3,000-rupee, 70-dollar bribe, what fee would you have to charge, and can you actually make the business work? (安德森:假如贿金是三千卢比,也就是七十美元, 你们的受理费大概是多少? 这门生意做得起来么? )


例句:Jayal Motors won't lose out if the Indian rupee falls further. (翻译:如果印度卢比继续下跌,Jayal Motors 也不会输。)


rupee一般作为名词使用,如在indian rupee([经] 印度卢比)、Mauritian rupee([网络] 毛里求斯卢比;模里西斯卢比)、Mauritius Rupee(毛里求斯卢比(毛里求斯货币单位))等常见短语中出现较多。

indian rupee[经] 印度卢比
Mauritian rupee[网络] 毛里求斯卢比;模里西斯卢比
Mauritius Rupee毛里求斯卢比(毛里求斯货币单位)
Nepalese rupee[网络] 尼泊尔卢比;尼泊尔-尼泊尔卢比
stan rupee[经] 巴基斯坦卢比
Pakistani rupee[网络] 巴基斯坦卢比
Seychelles rupee[网络] 塞舌尔卢比;塞舌尔法郎;塞席尔卢比
Sri Lanka rupee[网络] 斯里兰卡卢比;斯里兰卡货币单位为卢比


1. CA: But if it's a 3,000-rupee, 70-dollar bribe, what fee would you have to charge, and can you actually make the business work? (翻译:安德森:假如贿金是三千卢比,也就是七十美元, 你们的受理费大概是多少? 这门生意做得起来么? )

2. Jayal Motors won't lose out if the Indian rupee falls further. (翻译:如果印度卢比继续下跌,Jayal Motors 也不会输。)

3. And a lower rupee will fan inflation, which is already at 9-10%. (翻译:而且过低的卢比会通胀,现在通胀率已经高达9 - 10%了。)

4. A cheaper real, zloty and rupee will help emerging economies win a bigger share of global spending. (翻译:更为便宜的雷亚尔,兹罗提,卢比将协助新兴经济体赢得更大的世界消费的份额。)

5. CA: But if it's a 3,000-rupee, 70-dollar bribe, what fee would you have to charge, and can you actually make the business work? (翻译:安德森:假如贿金是三千卢比,也就是七十美元, 你们的受理费大概是多少? 这门生意做得起来么?)

6. When the Ngultrum was introduced in 1974, the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee. (翻译:xx年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。)

7. It does not exchange independently with other nations, but is exchanged interchangeably with the Indian Rupee. (翻译:Ngultrum不能与其他国家的货币自由兑换,但是可以和印度卢比互换。)

8. The Indian rupee keeps fluctuating. (翻译:印度卢比一直在波动。{\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}The Indian rupee keeps fluctuating.)

9. India has devalued the rupee by about eleven percent. (翻译:印度已经使卢比贬值约11%。)

10. Just as Cromwell looked upon his New Model Army at the field of Naseby in 1645, eh, Rupee? (翻译:正如xx年克伦威尔在内兹比 内兹比战役 xx年英国内战第一阶段决定性战役 由克伦威尔指挥)

11. Then a minibus driver held a note from a window. Another truck driver tossed a 10 Pakistani rupee note into the air with a wave. (翻译:随后,一辆小面包车的司机从窗内递出一张钱。另一个卡车司机扔出10巴基斯坦卢比,挥了挥手。)


